My headache is killing me.中的kill是什么确定的意思?杀死?,就是问kill有这个用法吗?是什么具体的吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:53:40

My headache is killing me.中的kill是什么确定的意思?杀死?,就是问kill有这个用法吗?是什么具体的吗?
My headache is killing me.中的kill是什么确定的意思?

My headache is killing me.中的kill是什么确定的意思?杀死?,就是问kill有这个用法吗?是什么具体的吗?
Kill (在这里是疼的“要死”的意思)
My leg is killing me 我的腿疼死我了
My eyes are killing me我的眼睛疼死我了


这里的Kill 其实就是相当于torment 折磨的意思
稍微夸张一点 表达特别疼

What is wrong with you?My leg ___ A.headache B.hurts C.sore but what gets me is my headache为什么这里用了个get? headache? 从括号中选择合适的词填空my father says he is having a ( ) headache.(terribiy.terrible) My sister have a headache.修改病句 I have to stay in bed two days.My nose hurts,my throat is sore,have a fever and have a headache.这两个句子有没有语病 I have a headache同义句there is a pain in my head something wrong with my head 有这两个吗 My head hurts.I have a headache.为啥最后填的是headache. (从括号中选择适当的词填空)My father says he is having a ( ) headache.(terribly.terrible) 一、单选题 1、The doctor says there is ________ in my headache,but I must have a good rest and take My headache is killing me.中的kill是什么确定的意思?杀死?,就是问kill有这个用法吗?是什么具体的吗? I have a headache 改同义句.There_______with my head my headache is killing me.I ____ it ____away.But now it's getting worse and worse.A.think;is going B.thought;was going C.have thought;is going D.have thought;was going选哪个,为什么? a headache is a pain.pain是可数名词吗 A headache is a pain in your head. The robot is tired .The straw man has a headache... my headache -- me it seems that the medicine I have taken doesn't work at all my headache -- me it seems that the medicine I have taken doesn't work at allA kills B is killing C has killed D killed I am so sad ,because my mom ().She is sad now.A.had a broken arm B.has a heaB.has a headache C.had a throat sore.如何选