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Scheduling logistics command vehicle GPS System
February 29, 2008
I. Background………………………………………………… 3
Second, the project significance………………………………………………… 4
Third, use of technology………………………………………………… 5
Fourth, the system components………………………………………………… 7
5, providing………………………………………………… 9
6, the system features………………………………………………… 11
7, monitoring the establishment of the Centre………………………………………… 12
8, the system of fuel consumption monitoring software picture………………………… 12
9, image monitoring software of the picture………………………………… 12
I. Background
At present, due to lack of necessary technical means, logistics enterprises widespread following questions:
1. Vehicle scheduling difficulties:
Because carriers can not ascertain the exact location of vehicles and cargo, logistics enterprises which can not operate vehicles and flexible supply配货organizations,
Unable to run vehicles and efficient regulation and management.
2. Difficult to enhance the quality of service:
Goods in the transport process, the owner can not keep abreast of goods in transit, and the lack of logistics enterprises effective coordination,
At the same time does not help shippers and logistics companies of mutual trust.
3. Drivers Touyou phenomenon, the bridge crossings difficult to control high costs:
According to my understanding of the current team to investigate into the existence of two major management challenges:
(1) drivers Touyou situation difficult to resolve;
(2) drivers detour on the bridge crossing cost reimbursement.
(3) private drivers pull goods.
4. People, goods and vehicles difficult security:
Transport of goods in the course of the robbery the lack of effective preventive measures, people, goods and vehicles of security can not be effectively guaranteed.
5. High rate of empty vehicles:
As owner and logistics impeded exchange of information between enterprises, resulting owner of the car could not find reasonably priced source of logistics enterprises can not find adequate sources;
Scheduling logistics command vehicle GPS system is based on the social environment and the development of the logistics industry backgrounds completed
To resolve the above-mentioned issues to provide a complete technical solutions. Related to the logistics industry to achieve security, financial, and material security, and software control by monitoring traffic and logistics, reduced unladen rate and reduce gasoline consumption, to prevent drivers Touyou, detour the occurrence of claims, improve operational efficiency and effectiveness and improve fleet management departments with high-tech means of logistics and related industries management and scheduling, is of great social and economic benefits!
Second, the significance of the project
Logistics vehicle management-benefit analysis: cost savings, expand their business, efficient management, and security.
1. Costs: corruption, and greatly reduced waste
2. Stop drivers casually claims fuel costs include: the road to sell oil, fake invoices, such as fuel consumption and detour.
3. Reduce long-distance telephone charges, such as SMS: SMS data communication costs greatly reduced;
4. Reduce vehicle wear and tear charges: including detour, and Gongchesiyong Kong Pao;
5. Reduce labor costs: including traditional statistics, scheduling and remanded the number of cargo and personnel expenses;
6. Eliminate Gongchesiyong: the enormous waste.
7. Savings vehicles: GPS system installed after the original vehicle in accordance with the usage and management of the extent to calculate would save 30 to 40 per cent of the vehicles.
For example: a 30 vehicle convoy of small logistics. According to estimates Touyou drivers per vehicle per month for the company's losses to as much as 2,000 yuan around detour on the bridge crossing reimbursement costs about 1,000 yuan per month, which does not include the fuel consumption per vehicle detour traffic volume detour and the cost of wear and tear on the car itself costs. In so doing we logistics vehicles for more than a two causes the company to lose as much as about 3,000 yuan / month, the annual loss of 40,000 yuan. I companies GPS monitoring and dispatching system against drivers Touyou means to solve the problem to the installation of fuel tank sensor volume control;
GPS Monitoring System for the establishment of a 30 vehicle fleet logistics annual cost savings of up to 1.2 million.
8. Expand their business: customers and business increased strength and competitiveness of Improved!
9. Improve customer satisfaction: the timely dispatch vehicles, and in the shortest possible time to,
Steady growth in the number of customers: Customers can use anytime, anywhere through the Internet for their own goods to the true position, improve customer confidence, is the preferred partner, an important condition is introduced, an important factor for new customers;
Enhance market competitiveness: GPS scheduling management system brought about by technology, and high-tech sound, so that the credibility of the company continuously improved, constant clients, with the approval and support of industry, the company's confidence in the continued increase .
Enhance competitiveness: With the company's business volume and the continued growth of customers; effective control to reduce costs, and profit margins continued growth and integration in the industry joining resources, the size of the company and strength has been continuously enhanced.
13. Efficient management: scheduling efficiency and substantially increase efficiency in the use of vehicles
Improved efficiency: the establishment of a better GPS Management System, the company reunification of the drivers of the vehicles and manage to pay at least play the role of the biggest advantages in resources. Since the last time the call distance, the most suitable vehicle loading and unloading of goods to meet customer demand and reduce the unladen vehicle, idle stop or situations, such as the distance travelled, greatly improving the utilization of vehicles.
Unified management and efficient scheduling: Dispatching Center anywhere grasp the status of each car, we can do on any vehicle or fleet management and scheduling a unified command. That is not less than call customer needs and vehicles will not go back because of empty or unladen vehicle traffic; at the same time reduce the management staff do not know the location of all vehicles blind call notification driver to the driver will not find an excuse for prevarication refused to carry out its mandate, and so on.
16. Security: increasing people, vehicles and goods factor of safety
抢powerful anti-hijacking security features, and effectively avoid the outsiders on the drivers or vehicles hijacked or stolen goods (if trouble can be detected and reported the first time, the maximum recoup their losses); annual thus avoid causing direct economic losses.
17. Other: there are still many benefits
Advanced security management system, suction diploma will be more vehicles join the community, enhance strength and increase the company services.
Third, use of technology
GPS Vehicle Recorder is the first company in the country launched the system, it will logger in the car on the basis of the world's leading GPS satellite positioning technology, GSM / GPRS global mobile communications technology, GIS geographic information technology and computer network communications and data processing technology, the existing GSM / GPRS network public on the basis of the development of a comprehensive social security precautions and remote monitoring communications management system, its various performance indicators tops the advanced international level. The system consists of three parts, namely, control centers, automotive control units, communication systems.
The containment fatigue driving, reducing traffic accidents, vehicle monitoring and control, scheduling a major role for the traffic management department of the vehicles for effective management and efficient means, but also greatly facilitates the transport companies for fleet management.
GPS technology
GPS (Global Positioning
Systems) is the United States after 20 years, cost more than 30 billion US dollars to establish a global satellite positioning system, is a global, round-the-clock, continuous satellite-based radio navigation system can provide real-time three-dimensional position, velocity and three-dimensional high-precision time information. As GPS technology with high precision, high speed, low cost and the significant advantages, which has become the world's most extensive scope of application, the practicality of the most sophisticated global award, location, navigation and positioning system.
GSM / GPRS mobile communications network
China Mobile Communication Corporation
GSM / GPRS mobile communications system is China's largest mobile mobile communications network, the scheduling management system using GSM / GPRS mobile communications system wireless data transmission capabilities to transmit vehicle location, alarm, scheduling and other information, and support voice calling functions.
GIS Geographic Information System
Geographic Information System (Geogrphicy Information
System) is a computer hardware and software system support, the whole or part of the Earth's surface in the space of the geographical distribution of data collection, storage, management, computing, analysis, display, and the technique described. GPS vehicle tracking in-service system, mainly used in the GIS computer system on the map display and management.
Computer Data Processing Technology
In the dispatch center systems, mainly uses the database technology, LAN and WAN technology, multimedia technology and computer remote control operation of a number of computer technology.
Fourth, the system components
Primarily by the supervision center, and automotive GPS terminal consists of two parts.
(1) supervision center of the following five components:
Communication Interface System: communication interface subsystem provides a variety of communications equipment and software interfaces, therefore, the system supports a wide range of wireless communications, including GSM, GPRS, and other means of communication, user-friendly.
Dissemination of information services system: information distribution services linking communications subsystem interface subsystem, a number of monitoring and control center at the middle of the terminal, from the communication interface by the decomposition of the data reception, classification, certification, and has been distributed to more than sub-monitoring center.
Database management systems: Database Management System is a part of the background database management, including the initialization settings Taiwan, car-information management, network information management unit, access control terminal management, and vehicle trajectory management, billing management, and other parts.
(3) communication controller: it from the single-chip microcomputer, communications interface circuits, communications module, other auxiliary circuits (power supply, I / O interfaces, etc.) four-part composition.
(B) the composition of the automotive machine
5. System
Specific functions are as follows:
1. Positioning capabilities
GPRS communication
All-weather, real-time tracking nationwide
Monitoring fuel consumption
Conversion of analog sensor
For the money and to spread Center
Records of the fuel tank from time to time in the oil change,
Touyou drivers solve the problem and issue false invoices.
2. Voice communications
SMS scheduling
Car Telephone (optional)
Voice calls can be realized
Scheduling screen (optional)
Scheduling can be displayed on-screen text scheduling information
3. Cross-border warning
Alarm all sector
Set route
The biggest set route / minimum latitude and longitude, forming a square rectangular box, in order to monitor alarm system
Regional alarm settings
Vehicles to enter or leave the region when traffic generated alarm state
Close regional alarm
Close regional alarm functions. Alarm state generated from vehicles.
Ban drive regional requirements
Prohibited from entering the region provisions (such as dangerous, easily incidence lots, etc.), once the vehicular traffic, the system can be received two second alarm.
4. Alarm
Emergency Alarm
In transit in unexpected incidents, the driver can press the button hidden emergency call to the monitoring center for help, the center received a report, which will open up a listening devices, vehicle monitoring the situation, and in accordance with vehicle location and other relevant information to assist and protect people, vehicles and cargo security.
Alarm brownout
Vehicles encountered mandatory power or voltage instability, indicate alarm information
Speeding police
Set a certain value of the speed of vehicles travelling faster than the scope of this report to the police centre
Cross-border warning
A pre-set and, when the vehicles beyond this region showed that cross-border warning information
5. Locked position
Mobile Tip
Vehicles stay in a particular place, the mobile launch vehicles when monitoring centre messages
6. Remote control and the setting up of
Broken oil power
When the vehicles were stolen or snatched, it can power the vehicle, the vehicle will not boot
Remote Monitoring
When the vehicle encountered special circumstances, the vehicle could be listening to voices
7. Precise trajectory
Historical data playback
Through electronic map, they can always read more days before the vehicles running tracks, in order to operate vehicles on the relevant assessment afterwards.
Data Storage
Vehicles can be long-term storage backup data can be stored up to one month.
8. Group management
Total control center management
All can be vehicles of the Centre for Monitoring Management
- Monitoring Center
Monitoring Centre can be seen only within the centre vehicles
9. Online search cars
Cars through the company Web site
I entered the company's Web site input device ID, which can find the position of the vehicle, as well as vehicle condition.
10. Fleet management
Owners of the information, vehicle information, driver information
Information on the owners can, vehicle information, driver information to add, modify or delete operation, to achieve the driver and vehicle information management.
11. Remote vehicle scheduling
On the vehicles or motorcycles, dispatching
Users can According to the state vehicle, issued orders. Both scheduling of individual vehicles, but also can be a group of vehicles or all vehicles At the same time, the scheduling order to facilitate the dispatch command vehicle operators.
12. Statistics
Operating lines of vehicles, mileage records, operations of the record.
In accordance with the practical business needs of the driver, team or all vehicles by day, week, month, year vehicles operating generate statistical records; on the driver, team or all vehicles by day, week, month, the statistics generated speeding record by days, weeks, years of generating operating statements; generation operating conditions of charts, time of the passenger / sections of charts. All statements in support of the amendments function.
13. Remote video surveillance system (optional)
Real-time transmission of images
Niexiangtou through remote monitoring vehicle images, and images transmitted to the management side.
14. External scrolling
Information shows that the rolling
Remote can be sent to the rolling scrolling information.
6, the system features:
1. System supports a variety of communication methods (GPS / GSM / GPRS)
System using existing GSM, GPRS wireless communications network to achieve common vehicle location information, the need for the frequency of the system, without the construction site, is economical and convenient to consider a comprehensive and modern wireless communication system linking; against conventional frequency , trunking communication, GSM, and other means of communication, coverage, communication costs, the system capacity, communication latency, and other aspects of a corresponding optimized.
2. System supports multi-level, multi-point control
Support large-scale network systems vehicles full use of public telecommunications network, design multiple monitoring framework structure of the mobile unit to monitor vehicle, integrated information services. It supports multiple (up to 32) at the Centre through the monitoring data lines, ISDN
Dial-up connection, such as the control center, each monitoring center can also link multiple (up to 32) of the Centre, expansion flexibility.
GPS rental vehicle scheduling system of service centres up to the design capacity of 100,000.
3. Scope, can realize the national automatic roaming ?
The use of network communications GSMGPRS makes vehicle monitoring system also has covered a wide range of monitoring capacity, high-quality communication can be realized with a few words, to facilitate expansion, system compatibility advantages.
4. System is stable and reliable, data safe
In recent years the industry more customers to establish monitoring center ample experience in actual combat; Car failure risks, and enables remote maintenance.
5. Easy to operate, and provide the corresponding value-added services ?
Simple human nature of the monitoring software interface that lets you easily control of the vehicle
Simply tap the mouse to complete, easy to learn and use. System can provide addresses for distance measurement, and other value-added area
Services at the same time, but also with the Internet network, makes cars online search services.
7, the establishment of the monitoring centre following steps:
1, Room location and decoration: In accordance with the requirements of customers;
2, the control center equipment installation: the installation of computer systems and network equipment, installation of the software and electronic maps;
3, the monitoring center Acceptance testing: GPRS / GSM communications testing, functional testing of the software on the electronic map accuracy and stratified for testing.
8, the system of monitoring fuel consumption picture of the software
9. Remote video monitoring software part of picture