同义句的几个句子翻译【 My bag is the same as yours】be the same as 1 写一个 上面句子,常用的 同义句表达.符合我给出的 例句. 谢谢哈 2 我的年龄和他一样大 ( 尽量写出 三种句型 翻译)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:24:22

同义句的几个句子翻译【 My bag is the same as yours】be the same as 1 写一个 上面句子,常用的 同义句表达.符合我给出的 例句. 谢谢哈 2 我的年龄和他一样大 ( 尽量写出 三种句型 翻译)
【 My bag is the same as yours】
be the same as

1 写一个 上面句子,常用的 同义句表达.符合我给出的 例句.


2 我的年龄和他一样大 ( 尽量写出 三种句型 翻译)

3 我的手和他的手一样大 ( 写出一种翻译 就可以了)

4 我的手指和他的手指 一样粗 / 一样细 ( 翻译一种即可)


同义句的几个句子翻译【 My bag is the same as yours】be the same as 1 写一个 上面句子,常用的 同义句表达.符合我给出的 例句. 谢谢哈 2 我的年龄和他一样大 ( 尽量写出 三种句型 翻译)
1.My homework is the same as yours.
My notebook is the same as yours.
2.I am as old as him.
He and I are of the same age.
I am the same age as him.
3.My hand is the same size as his.
4.My fingers are the same thick/ thin as his.

My bag is there.的同义句 同义句的几个句子翻译【 My bag is the same as yours】be the same as 1 写一个 上面句子,常用的 同义句表达.符合我给出的 例句. 谢谢哈 2 我的年龄和他一样大 ( 尽量写出 三种句型 翻译) I have many books in my bag 同义句 there are five books in my bag 的同义句 I have some pictures in my bag.的同义句如题 I don't have any pocket money in my bag.同义句________ ________ any pocket money is my bag I have many books in my bag.(改为同义句)( )( )many books in my bag. That is my bag.(改为同义句) I‘d like to see my grandparents./ I ( ) ( ) see my grandparents.写出句子的同义句 I have five new books in my bag.写出同义句 请帮我分析一下这句句子的句子成分I took some books out of my school bag. 按要求完成句子1、I didn't find my bag.(写出同义句)My bag _____ _____.2、你没有去旅行.为什么不去呢?You didn't go on vacation.______ ______?3、他试着按了按那个红色的按钮.He _____ _____ that red button. Can I look at your bag?[同义句} Can I ________ __________ _____________ ________ your bag?此句的同义句 The bag is black.的同义句 My bag is heavier than your bag同义句转换即是:My bag is heavier than your bag=同义句转换 there are some books in my bag(同义句)_________ _________some books in my bag My bag isn't the same as yours.【改为同义句】 My bag is ------ ------yours 改为同义句.l have sixteen books in my bag.___ ____sisteen books in my bag