
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:48:17


“Our country is turning into the stage of economic high-speed development now,society to business enterprise request exaltation,among them medicine industry development the speed change with each passing day,customer to the horizontal request of the serving of medicine industry also Be raising gradually,to medicine industry of enter sold to save business to put forward a higher need,not only request into sell operation the convenience is fast,and request into sell can be in time accurate after the medicine business enterprise of as to it's carry on balance of accounts.
The medicine enters to sell to save the management system main mold piece to have the management,system of the management,statement of the management,debt of the covariance,stock of the management,search of the daily business,foundation information to establish the seven greatest molds the piece.
The main realization sells into the goods and sell,stores in warehouse to the medicine etc.business processing,the managing person can also carry on search and modify to all drugs informations after entering goods,after the customer purchase,that system can do a balance of accounts for the customer in time.Can carry out to increase,modify,delete to the medicine in the meantime,search's etc.operate.Can also carry on a management to the managing person moreover,can carry on the modification operation of user's name and password to the managing person.To the customer who once carries on to trade,medicine enter sell to save system can also carry on covariance to customer's information,in order to as to it's will practice a special discount from now on.
The finally other parts of mold piece provides help information to this system and carries on a management to the system edition.”

英语翻译对下面一段话“我国现在正进入经济高速发展的阶段,社会对企业要求提高,其中医药业发展速度日新月异,客户对医药业的服务水平的要求也在逐步提高,对医药业的进销存业务提出了 用描写心理活动的方法描写下面一段话.(100字-200字之间)我已经进入九年级,意味着我即将进入人生的第一次抉择,就我现在的学习情况.我对自己讲: 英语翻译随着经济全球化的发展,中国进入了产业结构升级和经济转型时期,对外贸易顺差扩大,我国面临的对外贸易摩擦呈不断上升的趋势,国际贸易保护主义抬头,国外很多国家对我国采取了 怎样用英语翻译下面一段话 英语翻译作为新的贸易保护主义的手段,绿色贸易壁垒正为越来越多的经济发达国家所采用,它正成为制约我国纺织品参与全球经济竞争的最大障只一.本文通过分析绿色贸易壁垒和对我国纺织 英语翻译翻译下面的一段话:论述了企业文化定义及我国企业对文化建设的认识,并根据我国企业的企业文化现状,探讨了如何构建企业文化.为企业快速,稳定的发展提供条件.还有翻译:我国 英语翻译伴随着经济的日益发展,我国会计制度的改革,我国的会计工作正沿着规范化、法制化的轨道发展,并取得了较好的成绩.但与此同时,会计失真问题也日益严重.会计信息质量要求是对企 我国现在的经济发展有什么变化吗?随着自然灾害的平凡出现,对我国的经济有多大影响? 我国现在已进入共产主义了吗? 现在我国的经济形式如何 我国地形对经济的影响是? 我国地势对经济的影响 我国对学前教育的经济投入情况 我国已进入矛盾凸显期,处理好,能顺利发展,否则对经济社会发展产生不利影响.用唯物辨证法观点分析这题 请用唯物辩证法的观点对这我国现在的经济时期加以分析.国际经验表明,当一个国家和地区的人均GDP进入1000美元到3000美元的时期,既是黄金发展期,又是矛盾凸显期,处理得好,就能顺利发展,处 唐朝对我国封建社会的历史影响深远请你完成以下探究任务 (2)“唐朝政治清明,经济空前繁荣,仓库充实,(2)“唐朝政治清明,经济空前繁荣,仓库充实,人口明显增加,唐朝进入全盛时期.” 英语翻译1).美联储在2007年可能将继续暂停加息,甚至可能进入减息周期,这些加剧了人民币资产对美元的吸引力.2).海通证券预测,我国强劲的经济增长和国际贸易顺差的持续增加,可能是 我国现在正面临哪些环境问题?