英语翻汉语Now i rarely home so late,and actually has an exception of the poor,but also sleep,and clearly very tired,very tired,how are unable to fall asleep.Really headache,how so there is no sense of proportion,that guy is too audacious,and i m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:46:21

英语翻汉语Now i rarely home so late,and actually has an exception of the poor,but also sleep,and clearly very tired,very tired,how are unable to fall asleep.Really headache,how so there is no sense of proportion,that guy is too audacious,and i m
Now i rarely home so late,and actually has an exception of the poor,but also sleep,and clearly very tired,very tired,how are unable to fall asleep.Really headache,how so there is no sense of proportion,that guy is too audacious,and i may don't know how he actually doesn't get angry,can no longer be so lenient after him,or else no prestige,and really messed up,please do not sleep again,and Now the scary face had been pale,why's that will not take care of themselves,or else let me have a serious illness Well,this really is difficult to be!
麻烦谁可以翻译下 准确一点的 我去在线翻译都翻出写乱七八糟的
这段英语里面或许有错的单词 翻下

英语翻汉语Now i rarely home so late,and actually has an exception of the poor,but also sleep,and clearly very tired,very tired,how are unable to fall asleep.Really headache,how so there is no sense of proportion,that guy is too audacious,and i m
- -只能猜着翻了:

现在,我很少回家晚了,其实是有穷人的例外,而且睡眠不足,并明确觉得很累,很累,如怎样都无法入睡。真头痛,所以做事没有分寸,这家伙太大胆,也可能我不知道他实际上并不生气,再也不能让他之后宽松,否则没有威信,真正搞砸了,请不要再睡觉,现在可怕的脸苍白了,为什么的,不会照顾自己,否则,让我有严重的疾病好了,这实在是十分困难的! ! !...


现在,我很少回家晚了,其实是有穷人的例外,而且睡眠不足,并明确觉得很累,很累,如怎样都无法入睡。真头痛,所以做事没有分寸,这家伙太大胆,也可能我不知道他实际上并不生气,再也不能让他之后宽松,否则没有威信,真正搞砸了,请不要再睡觉,现在可怕的脸苍白了,为什么的,不会照顾自己,否则,让我有严重的疾病好了,这实在是十分困难的! ! !

