
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:47:51



extensively [ik'stensivli] adv. 广阔地;广大地


extensive [ik'stensiv]
1. 广阔的,广大的2. 广泛的;广博的,(影响)深远的;全面的,彻底的;包罗万象的3. 扩大的;延续的;广延的;外延的4. 长的,冗长的;延伸的,伸展的5. 数目多的;数量大的,大量的6. 【农业】 粗放(经营)的,大面积耕种(或浅耕粗作)的(与in...


extensive [ik'stensiv]
1. 广阔的,广大的2. 广泛的;广博的,(影响)深远的;全面的,彻底的;包罗万象的3. 扩大的;延续的;广延的;外延的4. 长的,冗长的;延伸的,伸展的5. 数目多的;数量大的,大量的6. 【农业】 粗放(经营)的,大面积耕种(或浅耕粗作)的(与intensive相对)7. 【逻辑学】与外延有关的,外延的8. 【物理学】 与广延(性)有关的,广延(性)的


“extensively”, Only by reading extensively _____ your horizons. 这几个单词的中文意思 coverage transportation extensively unloading 高2英语作文80字题目是making friends selectively or extensively . Discriminate Clearly Study Extensively Practice Earnestly pursue independent这句英语中文翻译什么意思 Learn extensively,inquire thoroughly,ponder prudently,discriminate clearly and practice devotedly. 10.English is more extensively used now than any other language_______.答案为啥是D10.English is more extensively used now than any other language_______.A.ever was B.had ever beenC.ever is D.has ever been As we know, reading intensively spends much more time than reading extensively.请问这句话有哪些错误 跪求演讲稿:reading selectively or extensively三分钟 英语演讲~是演讲稿 要和四六作文不一样~ 英语翻译This is similar to what happens when much of a catchment is extensively logged and regrowth occurs. Those who like reading extensively say it is through reading that we get our knowledge请分析一下句子结构 Do you think it is important to focus on one subject or to learn things extensively?用英语回答这个问题 某英语杂志社举办了一次征文活动,以“It is important to read extensively after class”为题写英语作文高中英语作文 The city Baoding was extensively _____ in the earthquake.[A] hurt [B] injured [C] wounded [D] damaged并翻译一下整个句子 Only by means of reading extensively _____ build a large vocabularyA.we canB.so we canC.so can weD.can we分析 Reading extensively can satisfy( )desire for( )knowledgeA.the;/ B./;/ C.a;the D/;the该题正确答案应选A,说明其他几项为什么不对, 这篇作文以英语6级的水平可以得几分Reading Selectively or Extensively?There is no consensus about reading selectively or extensively in our society.On the one hand,some people who are in favor of reading selectively claim that life is s 请高手帮忙写一点英语辩论的总结文章题目是college students should learn extensively or intensively.我被抽到了支持College students should learn extensively rather than intensively.然后我是当三辩总结我方观点的,希