谁能帮我用英语回答一下,企业招聘的笔试题1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?2.What are your short & long term career objectives?What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3.Why do you want to join JiaHua?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:07:28

谁能帮我用英语回答一下,企业招聘的笔试题1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?2.What are your short & long term career objectives?What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3.Why do you want to join JiaHua?
1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?
2.What are your short & long term career objectives?What do you think is the most ideal job for you?
3.Why do you want to join JiaHua?What do you think you can contribute to JiaHua?

谁能帮我用英语回答一下,企业招聘的笔试题1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?2.What are your short & long term career objectives?What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3.Why do you want to join JiaHua?
1.In the recent 4-5 years,I did not get a lot of awards,but I take part in a lot of activities,they give me a lot of experience that I can't get in any other ways.
I know how to get on well with friends and strangers,I know how to communicate with the people at different ages,and I also know how to face the difficulties I met in my life...These all can't be given at schools they are very valueble for me,I think.
2.First,I think I should try my best to find a job,and I will help the company I work for to get more profit and make it stronger.And if it is possible I want the company to put me in an important position and I will do better at that position.
My ideal job is to be a manager in a strong company ,and I think Jia hua is the place I want.
3.Because I think Jia hua can give me the chance to show myself and it is the stage for me to show the thing I have learnt at school.On the other hand I just feel like the name Jia hua I don't know why I just like it.
I have creative mind and I think I could give advice to the company,and as I said before I want to help Jia hua to be stronger,I will give all I have to Jia Hua,besides my life,I will work for Jia hua forever!

1 描述你过去四五年里取得的最大成就.
2 你的短期和长期职业目标是什么?你的理想工作是什么?
3 为什么你想加入嘉华?你对嘉华可以做出什么贡献?



mission impossible.

谁能帮我用英语回答一下,企业招聘的笔试题1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?2.What are your short & long term career objectives?What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3.Why do you want to join JiaHua? 谁能帮我用英语回答一下,企业招聘的笔试题1.Please state how you have benefited from your work experience2.Other than academic success,what has been your greatest achievement to date?What do you see as your personal strength,and why?3 招聘时笔试部分的英语题如何复习应届毕业生,面对各种招聘,有的大企业或者银行笔试中都有英语部分,请问这部分怎么复习?有专门的参考书吗?我六级低空飘过(478)大家有什么好的经验或 谁有2012年电工招聘笔试用的试题 还有9天就要笔试了 救救我啊 请问2013中国建设银行校园招聘的笔试题型是什么,行测,英语,综合知识各部分都有多少题,有多选不? 请问中国银行招聘笔试英语要不要考听力?请问参加过中国银行招聘笔试的大哥大姐,英语要不要考听力? 银行校园招聘笔试,英语部分怎么复习?做什么题联系? 邮政储蓄银行招聘笔试要考英语和数学吗?都是些什么题? 中国银行校园招聘怎么查你的四级证我在中国银行校园招聘的笔试过了,他们会查我的四级证吗?我的是假的 1、2012的昆山教师招聘小学英语笔试考多少分可以进入面试 2、我要考3013的 请问英语有听力吗3、还有 麻烦回答下3个问题 是昆山小学英语的我是要考2013的 5月份就要考了 艾默生社会招聘销售工程师,电话面试后的第一面,让带一支笔是为了笔试还是什么?笔试的话会考英语么? 各银行校园招聘笔试的英语部分考什么 听说中行考公共英语,那其他银行都考什么内容?六级?银行英语?会计英语?我平时需要按什么复习? 谁能帮我写份英语酒店招聘广告要求有招聘原因 招聘人数 招聘对象 有工作经验优先考虑 报名的时间地点 字数一百到一百二 求出版社招聘编辑笔试题出版社招聘编辑笔试一般都是什么题目啊?包括哪些方面? 招聘家教的广告用英语怎么说 招聘 的英语怎么说 求招聘笔试测试题,能大致了解应聘者的为人心态,工作态度,工作能力等 考驾照笔试 英语怎么说?我去年考了架照的笔试 英文