Mary and Joan have arrived,but ______students in the class aren't here yet.A other B the others C the other D others 选C 但为什么呢 为什么不选其他那三个呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:39:32

Mary and Joan have arrived,but ______students in the class aren't here yet.A other B the others C the other D others 选C 但为什么呢 为什么不选其他那三个呢
Mary and Joan have arrived,but ______students in the class aren't here yet.
A other B the others C the other D others 选C 但为什么呢 为什么不选其他那三个呢

Mary and Joan have arrived,but ______students in the class aren't here yet.A other B the others C the other D others 选C 但为什么呢 为什么不选其他那三个呢
the others后面就不能用students
the other表示特指,题目中有了范围,是一个班级,后面又有students的限制,故C符合题意

other后面直接跟名词,所以去掉B喝D,the other就特指“另外的那些”


other是没有范围的 其他的 后加可数名词复数=others
the other表示一定范围内的其他的,后加可数名词复数=the others
题目中有了范围,in the class,,故C符合题意

how many children does Mr Green have?3.Mary,Joan and Jack.Mary is____sister.A Joan and Jack's B Joan's and Jack's Is Mary Sally and joan's mother?啥意思啊 Mary and Joan have arrived,but ______students in the class aren't here yet.A other B the others C the other D others 选C 但为什么呢 为什么不选其他那三个呢 jim and mary have/has a basketball 根据首字母和句意填写单词Tom and joan have three m_____ a day It _____ Joan and Mary that left school yesterday.为什么填is? 英语题3道不知选哪个好9.No one,besides Helen,Joan,Mary and Alice,___________ help me.A.are B.want C.have willing to 15.The students were doing their_________when the teacher came in. A.homework B.homeworks C.lesson D.houseworks 6.He h 几道初中英语1.Mary and Joan's boooks与Mary's and Joan's boooks区别是什么?2.Are these books A.yours or John's B.your or John's C.your's or John's D.yours' or John's(主要是A/B不清楚)3.If you neeed the eraser,I'll lend to you.A.them B. But Linda and Mary ______(have)a balloon. my brother and i. peter's and henry's. jack's. mike and joan. David's. a new computer. mary and i用适当的代词替换上面的词 英语选择 Mary and joan have arrived,but ____students in the class aren't here yetA other B the others C the other D others为什么选择他写下原因>_ Have Joan ever been seen Mary?翻译下`把ever去掉和不去掉有什么么区别 麻烦看一下这个句子对不 one day,Mary and Joan went home from school as usual. ( )what did joan say when mary told her this -----she saidA,she didn't have any brothers B,her brother George wasn'tc,she was very sorry d,George is her friend还有一道 ;( )5,----when joan said that George was her step--brother,it meant ;a,it wa Susan and Mary 【填空】many books.A are have B has C have 两个人名做主语是单数还是复数eg._____Ann and Mary have a pen?(do/does)Ann and mary _____ a pen(have/has) How long have ;Tom and Mary -------[结婚] dear mary l have a problem, and l need your help 什么意思