
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:00:45


The second grade next semester,I learned a lesson called "Guilin Scenery under heaven ",after I read it I very want to go to Guilin.This summer,my father said I have progress,to reward me for a trip.Yeah,finally can go.The morning of July 23rd,we very early with luggage,take the airport express to finish the Baiyun airport.9:40,the plane finally took off.After 45 minutes of smooth flight,we arrived at Guilin,we travel destination.Off the plane,I shouted:" Guilin,here I come ".In Guilin,we first went to Guilin city landmarks - the elephant trunk hill,we in the trunk of Piedmont photo,Elephant Trunk Hill has a beautiful legend:Once upon a time there was an elephant is the Jade Emperor's guard like,sickness and fall into the world.Fortunately,it is an old grandpa sees and saved it.The elephant was very grateful,it decided to always here to help people do things.The Jade Emperor know,send the tota Lee king to put the elephant kill.Tota Lee king while elephants drink,sword and killed it.The elephant in the Elephant Trunk Hill today.Guilin Scenery is known as " the first hole " and " the Reed Flute Cave in karst." said the glittering silver rock.The first day was very exciting,I really look forward to the next few days more exciting journey.


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