battle fighting conflict三词有啥区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:46:01

battle fighting conflict三词有啥区别
battle fighting conflict三词有啥区别

battle fighting conflict三词有啥区别
battle 战争中常用
fighting 一般的打斗
conflict 一般用在种族之间的争端

battle 战斗
fighting 一般是指搏斗
conflict 局部冲突

These nouns denote struggle between opposing forces for victory or supremacy.
Conflict applies both to open fighting b...


These nouns denote struggle between opposing forces for victory or supremacy.
Conflict applies both to open fighting between hostile groups and to a struggle, often an inner struggle, between antithetical forces:
Conflict 用于指敌对组织的公开的战争或对立势力间的内部斗争:
“Fortunately analysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts.Life itself still remains a very effective therapist” (Karen Horney).
“幸运的是分析并不是解决内部冲突的唯一方法,生活本身就是一种非常好的治疗方法” (卡伦·赫尼)。
Contest can refer either to friendly competition or to a hostile struggle to achieve an objective:
Contest 可以指友好的竞争也可以指带有敌意的斗争:
an archery contest;
a spelling contest;
the gubernatorial contest.
Combat most commonly implies an encounter between two armed persons or groups:
Combat 通常指两个人或军队之间的遭遇战:
“Alexander had appeared to him, armed for combat” (Connop Thirlwall).
“亚历山大大帝全副武装的出现在他面前” (康诺朴·塞沃尔)。
Fight usually refers to a clash, physical or figurative,involving individual adversaries:
Fight 通常指身体的或象征性的冲突,包括指个人的不幸:
A fight was scheduled between the world boxing champion and the challenger.
“There is nothing I love as much as a good fight” (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
“我最喜欢的就是一场漂亮的战争” (富兰克林·D·罗斯福)。
Affray suggests a public fight or brawl:
Affray 指一场公开的战斗或打架:
“Yet still the poachers came . . . for affrays in woods and on moors with liveried armies of keepers” (Patricia Morison).See also Synonyms at discord
“仍有侵入者…不断到树林和荒野中对身着制服的守卫军队骚扰挑衅” (帕特里夏·莫里森)参见同义词 discord
