英语翻译Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution,manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries.Worldwide,governments are alre

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:39:27

英语翻译Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution,manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries.Worldwide,governments are alre
Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution,manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries.Worldwide,governments are already investing billions of dollars in nanotechnology; that figure almost certainly will surpass $1 trillion in the next 10 years.Perhaps the only thing that approaches nanotechnology's technological potential is the uncertainty surrounding its occupational health risks.Relatively little is known about the exposure patterns and toxicity levels of ultrafine materials.But with hundreds of thousands of workers expected to join an industry that likely will redefine nearly every aspect of
manufacturing and processing in the coming years,it’s essential that IHs learn as much as they can about potential workplace safety issues related to nanotechnology.“This is an opportunity for IHs to be at the forefront of solving problems before they arise,” says Mark Hoover,a senior research scientist at NIOSH in Morgantown,W.Va.“It is certainly a better approach
than having to react to a problem or perform a cleanup on short notice.”

英语翻译Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution,manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries.Worldwide,governments are alre
Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution,manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries.Worldwide,governments are already investing billions of dollars in nanotechnology; that figure almost certainly will surpass $1 trillion in the next 10 years.Perhaps the only thing that approaches nanotechnology's technological potential is the uncertainty surrounding its occupational health risks.Relatively little is known about the exposure patterns and toxicity levels of ultrafine materials.But with hundreds of thousands of workers expected to join an industry that likely will redefine nearly every aspect of
manufacturing and processing in the coming years,it’s essential that IHs learn as much as they can about potential workplace safety issues related to nanotechnology.“This is an opportunity for IHs to be at the forefront of solving problems before they arise,” says Mark Hoover,a senior research scientist at NIOSH in Morgantown,W.Va.“It is certainly a better approach
than having to react to a problem or perform a cleanup on short notice.”
目前社会对此(某种纳米技术的研究?)兴趣浓厚.甚至有舆论鼓吹它将是21世纪产业革命的推动力,不同的产业对纳米级别的材料(比100纳米还小)的研究也如火如荼.世界范围内,各国政府已经斥资数十亿美金用于纳米技术的(研究开发)投资;这个数字在未来10年内更是会超过1万亿美金.也许唯一逼近纳米技术潜能的,也就是(人们)围绕它的职业健康危害产生的不确定性.相关的,目前对极微小物质泄露形态和毒害程度也知之甚少.但是考虑到成千上万工人要加入到这个产业 -- 一个未来几年内很可能重新定义生产和工艺几乎每个方面的产业 -- 使职业健康管理人员了解尽可能多关于纳米技术潜在工作环境安全威胁就显得尤为必要.“对于职业健康管理人员来说,这是一个很好的机会,能让他们在问题发生之前处在最前线解决问题.”美国国家职业安全与健康研究所西弗吉尼亚州摩根镇高级研究科学家马克.胡佛这样说到,“这当然比尴尬面对问题处理,或者紧急警报后清场要好得多.”





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如此的兴趣发现得好。持续第 21 世纪拉生意如动力了被制造 nanoscale 材料 (比 100个奈米更少) 的产业革命被强烈地被多种工业学习。 在全世界, 政府已经正在纳米技术中投资数十亿元; 那一个身材几乎无疑地将会超越 $1 兆在未来的 10 年中。 也许接近纳米技术的科技潜能的唯一的事物是不确定围住它的职业健康危险。 相对地一点点被知道特细材料的暴露式样和毒性水平。但是与数十万计的工人期...


如此的兴趣发现得好。持续第 21 世纪拉生意如动力了被制造 nanoscale 材料 (比 100个奈米更少) 的产业革命被强烈地被多种工业学习。 在全世界, 政府已经正在纳米技术中投资数十亿元; 那一个身材几乎无疑地将会超越 $1 兆在未来的 10 年中。 也许接近纳米技术的科技潜能的唯一的事物是不确定围住它的职业健康危险。 相对地一点点被知道特细材料的暴露式样和毒性水平。但是与数十万计的工人期望参加或许将会几乎重新定义每个方面的一种工业
在即将来临的数年内制造和处理,它是必要的 IHs 有关被讲到纳米技术的潜在的工作地点安全议题尽他们所能地多学习。 "在他们出现之前,这为 IHs 是一个机会在解决问题的最前部 ," 马克胡佛电动电帚说, 资深的研究在 Morgantown , W.Va 的 NIOSH 的科学家。"它无疑地是较好的方式


如此的利息被很好地发现。为一个第 21 世纪工业革命拉生意如动力, 生产 nanoscale 材料 (少于 100个奈米) 被强烈地被多种工业学习。 在全世界,政府已经正在授权给奈米技术的数十亿元;那一个图形几乎确定地将会超越 $1个兆在那下 10 年。 也许接近奈米技术的科技位唯一的事物是不可信度围住它的职业性健康风险。 相对地少被知道 ultrafine 材料的照射形态和毒性水平。但是由于数十...


如此的利息被很好地发现。为一个第 21 世纪工业革命拉生意如动力, 生产 nanoscale 材料 (少于 100个奈米) 被强烈地被多种工业学习。 在全世界,政府已经正在授权给奈米技术的数十亿元;那一个图形几乎确定地将会超越 $1个兆在那下 10 年。 也许接近奈米技术的科技位唯一的事物是不可信度围住它的职业性健康风险。 相对地少被知道 ultrafine 材料的照射形态和毒性水平。但是由于数十万计的工人期望结合一个或许将会几乎重新定义每个面的工业
在来临数年内制作和起诉,很本质地 , IHs 尽他们所能地多学习有关位与奈米技术有关的工作地点安全发出的事。 "在他们出现之前 , 这为 IHs 是一个机会在解决问题的最前部,"标记胡佛电动电帚,Morgantown , W.Va 的 NIOSH 的一位资深的研究科学家。" 它确定地是一个较好的接近


Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution, manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a varie...


Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution, manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries. Worldwide, governments are already investing billions of dollars in nanotechnology; that figure almost certainly will surpass $1 trillion in the next 10 years. Perhaps the only thing that approaches nanotechnology's technological potential is the uncertainty surrounding its occupational health risks. Relatively little is known about the exposure patterns and toxicity levels of ultrafine materials. But with hundreds of thousands of workers expected to join an industry that likely will redefine nearly every aspect of
manufacturing and processing in the coming years, it’s essential that IHs learn as much as they can about potential workplace safety issues related to nanotechnology. “This is an opportunity for IHs to be at the forefront of solving problems before they arise,” says Mark Hoover, a senior research scientist at NIOSH in Morgantown, W.Va.“It is certainly a better approach
than having to react to a problem or perform a cleanup on short notice.”
这样的兴趣是好的动力.招徕雇客作为推动为一21 世纪工业革命, 制作的材料(少于100 毫微米) 由各种各样的产业强烈地学习。全世界, 政府已经投资亿万美元在亿元以上; 那个图几乎一定将超过$1 兆在以后10 年。或许接近亿元的技术潜力的唯一的事是不确定性围拢它的职业卫生风险。较少为人所知关于ultrafine 材料的曝光样式和毒力水平。但与成千上万名的工作者准备加入可能将重新解释几乎每个制造业和处理的方面在来年的产业, 它是必要的IHs 学会尽量他们罐头关于潜在的工作场所安全问题关系了。"这是一个机会是在解决问题最前方在他们出现之前," 说标记胡佛, 一位资深研究科学家在一定是一种更好的方法比必须起反应对问题或执行清洁在短的通知。"
thank !!!!






it's such an ___(interest)movie that everyone is ____(interest) in it.适当形式 英语翻译1I find no interest in such books.Please give me another one.2The rock band is giving a concert tonight. 英语翻译interest 英语翻译The accumulated amount of what government has borrowed to finance past deficits is called the government or public debt.Most government debt is in short-term interest-bearing securities,such as treasury bills or notes.The government debt 英语翻译--------------------------is dangerous on such rainny day. 英语翻译As systems become more complex,the roles involved in developing and managing such systems also become more complex.Thus,there is increasing interest in educating and trainingengineering professionals to think more systemically.In particul 英语翻译Such interest is well founded.Touted as the impetus for a 21st century industrial revolution,manufactured nanoscale materials (less than 100 nanometers) are being studied intensely by a variety of industries.Worldwide,governments are alre 英语翻译1.True learning English a number of qualifications such as the deep of the teachers said,interest is the best teacher. If you do not have the slightest interest in English,then English will not really very good score.Some time ago,and b 英语翻译___little water is not enough for___many peopleA.Such,so B.So,so C.Such,such D.So,such mount wuyi is such an attractive piace of interest as everyone likes to visi为什么从句要用as This is ( ) story that everyone likes to read itA.such an interest B.so intersted an C.a so intereting D.such an intereting The place of interest is ___ terrific that I want to go there again.A.so B.such.C.so a D.such a 英语翻译4 I went to the Food Street in Xi’an.It’s______great______to taste different snacks there.A so;fun B such a;fun C such;fun D too;funny5 Nick is ______another pair of jeans today.A wears B puts on C wearing D putting on8 I’m interest 英语翻译he is likely to lose interest in what he is learning 英语翻译there is no such thing as standard Englishi 英语翻译your baby is someting that you have a special interest in and responsibility for. 英语翻译整句话是The Commission’s interest is properly represented before the courts of law 英语翻译When that occurs,think clearly and set aside your emotions.Keen in mind that you have a duty to your readers,listeners or viewers to keep them informed.There is good reason for media interest in such events.For many years,surveys of news