英语翻译一盘鸡 两杯茶 大量的蔬菜 不喜欢土豆 尝上去很鲜美 看上去很可怕 一听可乐 有有趣的电影 对.感兴趣 有益于健康 有害于牙齿 炸鸡翅把.切成小块 三瓶橘子汁 一大包薯条 八条鱼

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 08:19:56

英语翻译一盘鸡 两杯茶 大量的蔬菜 不喜欢土豆 尝上去很鲜美 看上去很可怕 一听可乐 有有趣的电影 对.感兴趣 有益于健康 有害于牙齿 炸鸡翅把.切成小块 三瓶橘子汁 一大包薯条 八条鱼
一盘鸡 两杯茶 大量的蔬菜 不喜欢土豆 尝上去很鲜美 看上去很可怕 一听可乐 有有趣的电影 对.感兴趣 有益于健康 有害于牙齿 炸鸡翅
把.切成小块 三瓶橘子汁 一大包薯条 八条鱼 两位外国朋友 四头羊
两位女医生 三位法国工程师

英语翻译一盘鸡 两杯茶 大量的蔬菜 不喜欢土豆 尝上去很鲜美 看上去很可怕 一听可乐 有有趣的电影 对.感兴趣 有益于健康 有害于牙齿 炸鸡翅把.切成小块 三瓶橘子汁 一大包薯条 八条鱼
A plate of chicken
Two cups of tea
Lots of vegetables
Don't like potatoes
Tastes pretty delicious
Looks terrible
A listen to coke
Interesting film
For...Interested in
contribute to health
Harmful to teeth
Fried chicken wings
Take...Cut into small pieces
Three bottles of orange juice
A bundle of French fries
Eight fish
Two foreign friends
Four sheep
Two female doctor
Three France engineer

A plate of chicken
Two cups of tea
Lots of vegetables
Don't like potatoes
Very delicious to eat up
Look like very horrible
A Coke
a interest film
interest of ……


A plate of chicken
Two cups of tea
Lots of vegetables
Don't like potatoes
Very delicious to eat up
Look like very horrible
A Coke
a interest film
interest of ……
Beneficial to health
Harmful to the teeth
Three bottles of orange juice
Eight fish
The two foreign friends
The two female doctors
Three French engineers
Four sheep
A big bag of chips
Fried chicken wings


a dish of chicken
two cups of tea
dislike potatos
look frightened
a tin of coke
have an interesting film
be interest...


a dish of chicken
two cups of tea
dislike potatos
look frightened
a tin of coke
have an interesting film
be interested in···
be good for health
be bad for teeth
fried chicken's wing
cut ··into small pieces
three bottles of orange juice
a big bag of potato chips
eight fish
two foreign friends
fou sheep
two woman doctor/doctress([ 罕;女医生,女博士])
three french engineers
