几道高中英语小题,求教!9 -.hey,look where you are going -oh,I'm terribly sorry._____A I haven't notice B I wasn't noticing用现在完成时表过去的行为对现在有影响不是也说得通?10.They have ___most carefully the time and mo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 04:57:59

几道高中英语小题,求教!9 -.hey,look where you are going -oh,I'm terribly sorry._____A I haven't notice B I wasn't noticing用现在完成时表过去的行为对现在有影响不是也说得通?10.They have ___most carefully the time and mo
9 -.hey,look where you are going
-oh,I'm terribly sorry._____
A I haven't notice B I wasn't noticing
10.They have ___most carefully the time and money needed to complete the project.
A figured out B taken out
1.I don't want to_____some argument about who is to blame
A be involved in B be linked in
2.____in the matriculation for postgraduate in a short time is really a hard nut.
A to make high scores B Making high scores
3.What Yang wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was ____the joy with all the Chinese.
A share B about to share
4.If you go to the west lake in hangzhou,you will find it more beautiful than commonly______.
A supposing C supposed
解析式省略it is 可是句子主语不是you 么
5.My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a(n)____delay in the evening.
A similar C same D egual
6..The children ___for the accident.After all,they were so young.
A should not be to blame B were not to blame

几道高中英语小题,求教!9 -.hey,look where you are going -oh,I'm terribly sorry._____A I haven't notice B I wasn't noticing用现在完成时表过去的行为对现在有影响不是也说得通?10.They have ___most carefully the time and mo
10.请注意后面跟的并列词是time and money 而“时间”是不能用“取出”的.
1.be involed in 是指卷入某个事件中,我认为应该是这件事不包括自己参与的,而be linked in 则是自己参与在内的.就题而言,就是“我”也包括在被批评的人里.
3.A项很明显是错的.因为前面有be动词,而be about to do 表示将要做什么.你理解错了哈.

1. a- i haven't noticed=i have not noticed=难道不怪么?
3. b- about to share这里时“即将分享”或“打算分享”的意思
4. 你把句子翻译一下,就是=如果你去杭州西湖,你就会发现它出乎意料地美
commonly supposed-大众一致认为的- suupposed 是过去式=已经认为的
commonly ...


1. a- i haven't noticed=i have not noticed=难道不怪么?
3. b- about to share这里时“即将分享”或“打算分享”的意思
4. 你把句子翻译一下,就是=如果你去杭州西湖,你就会发现它出乎意料地美
commonly supposed-大众一致认为的- suupposed 是过去式=已经认为的
commonly suupposing-supposing 是正在进行的,也就是大众正在...
*sorry this is seriously hard to translate!!!*
