帮我找这里面有没有语法错误啊The discovery of the new continent develop people’s imagination,andalso make pasta to has more changes:Pepper and tomato sauce was invented.Three famous pasta sauce system:tomato,cream bottom and olive oil

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:05:20

帮我找这里面有没有语法错误啊The discovery of the new continent develop people’s imagination,andalso make pasta to has more changes:Pepper and tomato sauce was invented.Three famous pasta sauce system:tomato,cream bottom and olive oil
帮我找这里面有没有语法错误啊The discovery of the new continent develop people’s imagination,and
also make pasta to has more changes:Pepper and tomato sauce was invented.Three famous pasta sauce system:tomato,cream bottom and olive oil bottom have been formed.The noodles were varied.Long,flat,helical,butterflies and other various shapes make it to be more beautiful.And through adding the pumpkin,spinach,grapes and other fruit to make more colour types.

帮我找这里面有没有语法错误啊The discovery of the new continent develop people’s imagination,andalso make pasta to has more changes:Pepper and tomato sauce was invented.Three famous pasta sauce system:tomato,cream bottom and olive oil

帮我找这里面有没有语法错误啊The discovery of the new continent develop people’s imagination,andalso make pasta to has more changes:Pepper and tomato sauce was invented.Three famous pasta sauce system:tomato,cream bottom and olive oil 谁能告诉我这里面有没有语法错误,Trigonometric occupies an important position in the element 英语,帮我检查一下有没有语法错误 帮我看看有没有语法错误 能不能帮我检查一下有没有语法错误, 帮我从这里面找几个动物的名字. 帮我找一下这里面的成语 哪位英语大师帮我看看,这里面有没有语法错误,帮忙改正下,It has a vary important role in inequality to learn the mathematical theory ,in terms of the middle school or high school,even college,so it is particularly important to re 帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误 帮我看看,这句话有语法错误吗.you can bring your favorite book to give the students read 有没有好听的英文歌帮我找下在这里 你们帮我看下有没有好听的英文歌! 请帮我看看这里面有没有语法错误?ameblo.jAAAAp/hidenori-mi/entry-10271183860.hAAAAtml这是我写的一篇日记,帮我看看有没有写错,以及指出.我的水平大概在什么位置?(请把里面的AAAA去掉再打开,) 西班牙语作文求改(帮我看看有没有语法错误)!作文比较长地址这里帮我改一段也行啊 英语作文,有没有高手帮我看看语法错误 帮我看下这段英语作文 有没有语法错误什么的 帮我看看这句英语有没有语法错误please save from the deep feeling of guilty. 帮我看看有没有语法错误...英语...Since then,every time I would check whether I take the wrong car ... 求大神帮我检查一下这篇300多字的英语小作文有没有语法错误如题!感激不尽!这里发不了,可以留个yx吗? 能帮我看看这篇英语作文有语法错误吗?如果有的话,麻烦帮我找出来,