first cloned sheep中间为什么是cloned而不是其他?这里cloned做什么成分?为什么是cloned而不是cloneing之类的?请指教,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 06:19:47

first cloned sheep中间为什么是cloned而不是其他?这里cloned做什么成分?为什么是cloned而不是cloneing之类的?请指教,
first cloned sheep中间为什么是cloned而不是其他?

first cloned sheep中间为什么是cloned而不是其他?这里cloned做什么成分?为什么是cloned而不是cloneing之类的?请指教,

cloned 相当于形容词,做定语。cloned是被动,表示被克隆,cloneing是主动,表示克隆这个动作。羊是被克隆,所以是cloned

first cloned sheep中间为什么是cloned而不是其他?这里cloned做什么成分?为什么是cloned而不是cloneing之类的?请指教, Do you know the name of the first sheep that ____ (clone) in the USA?(是动词填空,是填was cloned还是cloned啊,原因!) the cloned sheep中cloned 做什么成分 the successfully cloned sheep dolly confirmed the feasibility of cloned technology为什么不用sucees能用suceesful the first 后面可跟什么做后置定语?有一个语法上说不定式,The first mammal to be cloned successfully fom an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.这是课本上的原句.那为什么不选B呢?The first text books-----for teaching English 高考题The first textbooks written for teaching English came out in the 16th century .牛津教材the first mammal to be coned was Dolly the sheep.同样是the first,为什么一个用written,一个用to be cloned I knew that English scientists had cloned a sheep,but I knew neither how nor why he spent a lot of time_______(搜索) information about the cloned sheep last night填什么?两个空 1.Ever since Dolly,the sheep ___in 1997,many scientists have been working on cloning a human being.A had cloned B has been cloned Cwould cloned D was cloned2.The theory ___ about in 1514,but the csirntist only published it just defore his death in 15 If you were the first cloned human being,I would say..这句话为什么cloned 是过去分词?IF从句应该是表示将来吧?可是要是将来就不能用WERE如果CLONED是过去分词做定语,那定语也有被动的意义吗?象楼下说 The scientists from the UK were the first _____ an animal clone; successfullyThe scientists from the UK were the first _____ an animal clone; successfully B.cloned; successful clone; successful D.cloned; successfully Which words would come first in your dictionary?1.sheep or people 2.bird or dog The first mammal (clone) from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. Does all the wool ____Does (come) from sheep?中间的空填什么?come还是comes? lazy sheep sheep 问一道英语奥数题One day,Lily tows(牵)a fat sheep,come to Jim and says: Is there about 100 sheep in your sheepfold? Jim says: if these sheep first adds the same number of sheep,then adds half number of these sheep,next adds one fourth 选词填空并解析(英语)@_@!Mot until quite recently _____any idea what a cloned sheep was like.A.did I have B.will I have C.I didn't have D.I had 英语翻译Humanity is plagued with many moral issues each day.With recent announcement that a research facility in England had successfully cloned a sheep,many more questions arose.The overall question is ,To clone or not to clone? Many groups wo