谁能帮忙翻译:原来,真正的离开,不是世界上没有这个人的存在.而是,你的世界,他不再到来.I tried translating like this," It turn to be real apart, which the person still exists in the world, yet, he no longer comes close

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:58:17

谁能帮忙翻译:原来,真正的离开,不是世界上没有这个人的存在.而是,你的世界,他不再到来.I tried translating like this," It turn to be real apart, which the person still exists in the world, yet, he no longer comes close
I tried translating like this," It turn to be real apart, which the person still exists in the world, yet, he no longer comes close to you in your world "
Could you please give me some instruction about that translation, I'm not so satisfied and don't think it's exactly correct from original words.

谁能帮忙翻译:原来,真正的离开,不是世界上没有这个人的存在.而是,你的世界,他不再到来.I tried translating like this," It turn to be real apart, which the person still exists in the world, yet, he no longer comes close
Colloquially,the following is a much better version than yours :
What is meant by "his going away" isn't that he no longer lives in the world but that he is no longer a part of your world.

It is the real apart, not the world without him, but your world without him.

It turns out that the real leave, not without the presence of the man in the world. But, you of the world, he is no longer coming.

It turned out that real part company is who never come to your world again, instead of who leave from the world forever.
建议用It turned out that更好些

My suggestion would be:
What a real leaving means is not that he/she does not live/exist in the world, but that he/she will no longer come to your world/the world of yours. or
A real leaving, ...


My suggestion would be:
What a real leaving means is not that he/she does not live/exist in the world, but that he/she will no longer come to your world/the world of yours. or
A real leaving, as it turned out to be, is not that he/she does not live/exist in the world, but that he/she will no longer come to your world/the world of yours.


谁能帮忙翻译:原来,真正的离开,不是世界上没有这个人的存在.而是,你的世界,他不再到来.I tried translating like this, It turn to be real apart, which the person still exists in the world, yet, he no longer comes close 帮忙翻译个句子~中->E“离开,才是真正的爱”纯正,无语法错误的采纳~ 离开身体的手不是真正的手 翻译:女人离开我的世界 谁能帮忙翻译一下世界名车的英文名字?最好带有音标, 关于离开的句子翻译我想我是否该离开 我是不是该离开一段时间哪位高手帮忙翻译成英文..谢谢 谁能精确计算出世界末日到底是多久?2012并不是世界末日,它只是一个新纪元或新时代的开始.但谁能计算出真正世界末日是多久?提示:要结合“圆”来计算. 谁能帮忙翻译一篇英语文章 不是用翻译器翻译的 没有人能真正认知真正的世界,为什么我们还要去认识世界呢? 走进你的世界才发现,原来,哪爱不是属于我的 求翻译 谁能帮忙写一个闻鸡起舞的故事要自己想的不是它原来的故事 真正的世界,汉译英 如果不爱我,请你离开我的世界.翻译英文 谁能帮忙写一个动物世界的编后语 眼光高的真正含义是什么?谁能告诉我、谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 翻译成英语,不要用翻译软件“真正的爱情永远不是走一条平坦的路”帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 那些疯狂到以为自己能改变世界的人才能真正改变世界(缩句) 如何理解 维特根斯坦说:真正的神秘,不是世界怎样存在,而是世界竟然存在