restrain from和refrain from的区别?

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restrain from和refrain from的区别?
restrain from和refrain from的区别?

restrain from和refrain from的区别?
restrain sb.from doing 阻止某人做...(restrain 是及物动词);
refraim from doing 自制以免做...,忍住.(refrain 是不及物动词);

restrain from和refrain from的区别? constrain和restrain有什么区别吗? constrain和restrain有什么区别吗? restrain和restrict的用法和意思有什么区别? restrain和restrict和confine有什么区别 restrain和restrict的用法一样吗?如题 Please ____ yourself from smoking and spitting in public places,since the law forbids them.restrain hinder restrictprohibit refrain和restrain在英语中都表示“抑制、制止”,两词有什么区别? inhibit和restrain,constrain有何区别?inhibit和restrain,constrain都有“抑制、约束”的意思,那么具体在含义和用法上有哪些区别呢?请举例说明,而不是照抄词典, refrain和restrain今天碰到个选择题Please ___from smoking until the airplane is airborne!A.refrain B.prevent C.resist D.restrain 各位老师我改选哪一个啊?我查字典了,但是跟答案有冲突.55555. confined restrict restrain constrain 用法区别confine restrict restrain constrain difference between constrain and restrain 我想问问“restrain”和“restrict”这两个单词具体用法有什么分别?我知道这两个单词是什么意思,词典都能查到,我只是觉得意思比较相似,搞不懂具体怎用. 英语翻译• It follows,plainly,from the explanation given above,of the foundation of state,the ultimate aim of government is not to rule,or restrain,by fear,nor to exact obedience,but contrariwise,to free every man from fear,that he may live far from 和away from She can hardly restrain herself.这句中hardly 修饰那个词 求constrain,restrain,restrict 的区别,3000叩首求解 英语翻译You are a bit like Tigger the Tiger now as you bounce around from one exciting project to the next.You could raise your anxiety level and become frustrated if you try to restrain yourself and finish everything you start.There will be plen