定语从句he talded about the place_he was visited.A where B that Cwho D which

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:59:43

定语从句he talded about the place_he was visited.A where B that Cwho D which
定语从句he talded about the place_he was visited.A where B that Cwho D which

定语从句he talded about the place_he was visited.A where B that Cwho D which


同学,你似乎抄错题目了?he 被参观吗?

定语从句he talded about the place_he was visited.A where B that Cwho D which 定语从句填空 He told us about the place( ) he visit three days ago about为什么不能引导定语从句 如何区别同位语从句和定语从句He told us all ___ he knew about computer.A.that B.which C.what D.both A and C这是为什么呢?这个句子中的从句是同位语从句还是定语从句呢?怎么区分同位语从句和定语从句呢? He is the man (that) I told you about.这个句子中的定语从句的主谓宾是哪些啊? He likes movies__are about monsters.还有有关的帮忙定语从句解析 怎么学最容易懂,容易理解 be concerned about 造定语从句着急用.一定是定语从句啊. 定语从句介词提前和不提前怎么分呀This is the question about which weve had so much discussion.Have you met the person that he was speaking about.这两句都是定语从句.从句中一个是discussion about,一个是speaking about.为 高中英语定语从句问题.He talked a lot about things and persons ( ) they remembered in the school.A.which B.that C.whom 定语从句引导词为that,先行词为复数,引导词后动词单数还是复数?原题:He likes movies that ____(be) about scary monster. 定语从句 定语从句, 定语从句 定语从句的错因及例句例句:定语从句缺定语用whose当定语的句子先行词用all,最高级用that的句子各一there be结构中先行词指人时用who的句子介词+关系代词缺on about during 的句子分析The reason he He is an honest man called Tom.是不是定语从句 he like helping homeless people改为定语从句 based on which he succeed 这个定语从句对吗 That is the man I told you about the man.变定语从句是不是That is the man who I told you about .还有一道He is the man.The man offered you a job in Australia.变定语从句是不是He is the man who offered you a job in Australia .对不