SAT GRAMMAR 2题 求详解 ( )内为有可能的错误1.During the labor dispute,barrels of potatoes were emptied across the (highway,and they thereby blocked it to all traffic).A.highway,by which all traffic was therefore blockedB.highway,thereb

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:33:28

SAT GRAMMAR 2题 求详解 ( )内为有可能的错误1.During the labor dispute,barrels of potatoes were emptied across the (highway,and they thereby blocked it to all traffic).A.highway,by which all traffic was therefore blockedB.highway,thereb
SAT GRAMMAR 2题 求详解 ( )内为有可能的错误
1.During the labor dispute,barrels of potatoes were emptied across the (highway,and they thereby blocked it to all traffic).
A.highway,by which all traffic was therefore blocked
B.highway,thereby blocking all traffic
Q:为什么不能选A,这里的BY WHICH有什么问题么?我觉得可以理解成 all traffic was therefore blocked by那些土豆~为什么B可以呢?
2.In(those cities) (in which) public transportation is adequate,fewer traffic problems occur and pedestrians (are rarely) (involved in) accidents.
Q:ERROR.可是我觉得(in which)有问题啊,因为前面已经有In(those cities)了啊,感觉怪怪的.

SAT GRAMMAR 2题 求详解 ( )内为有可能的错误1.During the labor dispute,barrels of potatoes were emptied across the (highway,and they thereby blocked it to all traffic).A.highway,by which all traffic was therefore blockedB.highway,thereb
1.该句子主语为“路障”barrels ,后面“阻碍了全部交通”,前后搭配自然是主动语式,用*ing喽.
2.先分解该句子,去掉从句后:In those cities ,fewer traffic problems occur and pedestrians (are rarely) (involved in) accidents.
意思是“在那些城市中,很少发生交通意外,行人很少卷入事故”.从句in which) public transportation is adequate是对those cities的定语,意为“那些公共交通能够满足需要的城市”.把从句转换成一般语式就是 public transportation is adequate in those cities.所以从句中要有一个“in”.