Drug abuse in china for oral presentation 5min.write down something in details

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Drug abuse in china for oral presentation 5min.write down something in details
Drug abuse in china for oral presentation 5min.
write down something in details

Drug abuse in china for oral presentation 5min.write down something in details
Following British importation of opium to China in 1760s, the use and production of the drug in China increased dramatically. This situation was aggravated after the failure of Opium Wars that occurred between the United Kingdom and the Qing Empire in China with the aim of forcing China to import British Opium; this war made China open the door to a free flowing opium trade, with disastrous social and public health consequences. The subsequent rise of the new China created drug-free atmosphere by strict legislation and punishment, in which drug use greatly decreased. However, in the context of governmental reform and the open-door policies of the 1980s, drug abuse has re-emerged as a major public health problem. Today, drug abuse is highly linked to the spread of HIV/AIDS and to drug-related crimes in China. To combat the severe drug problem facing the nation, the Chinese government has adopted the Methadone Maintenance Treatment program, a multi-faceted therapeutic approach that aims to reduce the health and social problem induced by drug epidemics. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine, including herbal therapy and acupuncture, both found to be effective in the prevention of relapse and causes few side effects, making them useful for the treatment of opiate addiction. With continuous application of these therapies and managements that have been proved to be effective in harm reduction in the western countries, we believe that drug abuse and its related problems in China will be brought under control.




Drug abuse in china for oral presentation 5min.write down something in details drugs and drug abuse 求英语作文drug abuse! 英语翻译Drug abuse on rise in ZhejiangBy Qian Yanfeng (China Daily)SHANGHAI:The number of registered drug users in Zhejiang province increased by nearly a quarter to 84,000 last year,giving it the fourth highest concentration in the nation,statis What is the effect of drug abuse? It is reported that nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US.翻译 stop drug abuse DRUG是定语么?我感觉ABUSE是宾补! the second month long national anti drug abuse campaign Alcohol and Drug Abuse :A Psychosocial And Spiritual Approach to Prevention 求drug abuse在中国fight against 英语作文中午就要 The first step in stopping drug abuse is knowing why people start to use drugs.The reasons people abuse drugs are as different as people are) from one another.But it seems to be one common threat.People seem to take drugs to change the way they feel. drug 这个句子不明白什么含义The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug incidents,which encourages rather than prevents drug abuse. 英语翻译Drugs are often misused,in particular,when people rely upon them as a means of escaping problems in life.the chronic inappropriate use of drugs may be termed drug abuse.some drugs,such as those that induce induce tolerance—a physical ad 英文翻译成法文Before usea)ensure that you are fit enough to use a ladder. Certain medical conditions or medication,alcohol or drug abuse could make ladder use unsafe;b)when transporting ladders on roof bars or in a truck, ensure they are suita 关于几个雅思作文怎么写3.Young drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many countries, what are the reasons for this and what can be done to combat it. 4.Tourism is multibillion dollars, industry that supports economic development, some 英语翻译In fact,Dew says,if you take off the table any red-letter deal-breakers like infidelity,or drug and alcohol abuse,money troubles were the sole predictor of divorce for men among the top five areas of conflict couples face. Supervisory Turnover in Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment怎么翻译