
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:42:40


For the first shipment, the consignor has not received payment and therefore
do not allow the delivery of goods. As the ETA has been projected to be
2nd February, I would like to know whether it has reached the port of Los
For the second shipment, the situation is similar and the delivery of goods
is not allowed. Please advise the whereabouts of the goods. Are they at
present in Los Angeles or Auckland ?

About the first shipment, at present the consignor haven't receive money, don't agree to release the freight. Said before ETA is expected on February 2nd, excuse me whether affirmatory already arrived...


About the first shipment, at present the consignor haven't receive money, don't agree to release the freight. Said before ETA is expected on February 2nd, excuse me whether affirmatory already arrived in Los Angeles port?
For the second shipment, delivery is also the same situation, don't agree to release the freight. Please inform the current goods has arrived in where? The goods are now in Los Angeles or Auckland?


About the first shipment, at present the consignor haven't receive money, don't agree to release the freight. Said before ETA is expected on February 2nd, excuse me whether affirmatory already...


About the first shipment, at present the consignor haven't receive money, don't agree to release the freight. Said before ETA is expected on February 2nd, excuse me whether affirmatory already arrived in Los Angeles port?
For the second shipment, delivery is also the same situation, don't agree to release the freight. Please inform the current goods has arrived in where? The goods are now in Los Angeles or Auckland?


英语翻译我需要问代理关于两票货物分别的抵港情况.急..关于第一票货物,目前发货人还没有收到款,不同意放货.之前说预计ETA是2月2日,请问是否已确定抵达洛杉矶港?关于第二票货物,发货也 英语翻译承诺:在我公司承运的货物,如果在运输过程中出现破损,我司将代理你向航空公司索赔.贵重物品建议购买保险. 英语翻译修正部分已标注为红色关于单据数量:因代理(买方)与客户都需要留存,麻烦配合提供关 于 条 款08:因货物属于木质包装,客户要求提供熏蒸证明.麻烦配合提供关于信用证有效期 雨季代理怎么样想开个网店,看到雨季代理的,问了可多才明白的,在他们那代理,要黄钻代理交300的,可是客户看上我的衣服都需要支付宝两次才能确认付款,但雨季代理需要一次就给他们付款,心 英语翻译 我现在通过代理上网 空运 分泡客人货物500KGS 体积6.9 代理1给我的运费是35/KGS 五五分泡代理1给我的运费是46.5/KGS 二八分泡请问我走哪家代理划算啊,我刚做空运对分泡不太明白? 英语翻译近期没有货物需要空运,建议你问一下joy 英语翻译basuki曾经要求货物分两批发货,可是我建议不要,因为这样的话SGS费用需要付两次,太贵,所以PI上订的交货期是11月26号.由于中国大雾了好多天,船不能靠岸,所以本来订的11月27号的船被 英语翻译英语翻译 今后关于污染货物的邮件,我会抄送你. 英语翻译请帮我用英文翻译:代理进出口,自理进出口 我公司有一票货由于要核销手册,需分票报关,那集装箱到我公司装货时的回箱单要怎么填写是一种货物,一个提单号分了A, B两票.我是需要分别填AB两票的件重尺,还是只填总的件重尺 关于分别的成语越多越好 价值两百万的货物,英语翻译 某某公司境外代理中的境外代理用英文怎么说?工作需要,需要写某某公司境外代理,但不知道“境外代理”英文怎么说,请求帮助!谢谢!可不可以写成offshore agence,我需要专业一点的答案,谢 英语翻译需要翻译几句话,1.2.希望你能喜欢!3.您愿意在国外代理和销售我的产品吗?4.古老而美丽的中国艺术!5.无与伦比!·您愿意在国外代理和销售我的产品吗· 或者“您愿意代理我的产品吗 英语翻译我们的货物发生了改变,请查收附件内容.关于交付方式,请查看以下内容.1.货物 2.货物 3.货物 4.货物 5.货物以上1-4的货物需要走海运,我们走40HQ可以吗?但是其中1的交付方式为DDP,其他 英语翻译1 我们将分三次运送这批货物 2 全部运完这批货物需要多久?3 分三次运完这批货物需要多久?4 我们 全部运完 / 分三次运完 这批货物需要3天5 我们将在收到您的货款后 第2天给您发货6 英语翻译你同意支付500美元后,我们将把这笔费用付给我们的代理公司,代理服务费.代理公司会将货物运送到国外.他们会用你给的账号发运货物.这个费用您可以再我们发出货物后付款给我们