He is used to going skating in ()winter,but ()winter of 2010 he is too busy to go skating.第二个空应该填the吗?为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:18:28

He is used to going skating in ()winter,but ()winter of 2010 he is too busy to go skating.第二个空应该填the吗?为什么?
He is used to going skating in ()winter,but ()winter of 2010 he is too busy to go skating.

He is used to going skating in ()winter,but ()winter of 2010 he is too busy to go skating.第二个空应该填the吗?为什么?
应该填the,因为winter of 2010为特指,即2010年的那个冬天.

第二个空可以填the。the 在这里的作用是特指 2010年的冬天。但从整个句子来看这两句话还不是很地道的英语。是做题时遇到的还是自己写的?

回答:是应该填the,因为句中的winter是一个有定语的, 特指的名词,the winter of 2010是“2010年的那年冬天”的意思。又如:
On the morning of a fine June day, he met her for the first time near a bridge.

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