
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:50:12


on September 1964
Nie Haisheng, male, from Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, was born in September 1964. Nie joined the army in June 1983 and turned into a Communist Party member in December 1986. He became one of China's first batch astronauts in January 1998. On October 12th 2005, Nie Haisheng flew to the outer space by taking "Shenzhou" VI spacecraft. And on October 17th, he with his companions landed back to the earth safely. Nie has a happy family.

Nie Haisheng ,male,born in Hubei Zaoyang on September,1964.
Take part in the Art in June,1983.joined the Party in December,1986.
Being one of the first bach of astronaut.He take ShengZhou VI towrds to the space on October 12,2005,and he return to the earth safely on 17th October.He has a happy family.

Nie Haisheng, male, is from Zaoyang, Hubei Province.He was born on September of 1964.On June of 1983, he joined the army and joined the Party on December of 1986.On January of 1998, he became one of f...


Nie Haisheng, male, is from Zaoyang, Hubei Province.He was born on September of 1964.On June of 1983, he joined the army and joined the Party on December of 1986.On January of 1998, he became one of first astronauts of China.On October 12th of 2005, Nie Haisheng flew to the space by "Shenzhou" VI spacecraft.And on October 17th, they returned to the earth safely. Nie Haisheng has a happy family.


湖北枣阳 英语翻译聂海胜,男,湖北枣阳人.1964年9月出生,1983年6月参军,1986年12月入党.1998年1月成为我国首批航天员之一.2005年10月12日,聂海胜乘坐神舟''六号飞船飞向太空.10月17日,他们安全返回地面.聂 九连墩战国古墓群在湖北枣阳 湖北枣阳能看到日全食吗如题 根据所提供的词语(信息)推断相关的人或事情神州5号 神州6号 湖北枣阳 _____________________中国上海 NBA 国家队 ______________________1945 8.15 2005 ___________________________ 我想了解下湖北的枣阳本人打算暑假去枣阳旅游,想了解下本地有什么特色的东西,比如当地的景点和小吃饮食..另外,有没有什么便宜又安全的旅馆..一夜五十以下..还有就是本地的治安如何?公 湖北宜都人怎么样 求湖北枣阳2011年全年降水量温度月值数据~~~~~最好有图表~~~~急!最好要有曲线图什么的~~~写毕业论文要用!拜托各位~~~~请发邮箱374102744@qq.com 早上起来脸很红,怎么回事患者信息:男 28岁 湖北 枣阳会发生地震吗? 枣阳能看到日全食吗 湖北省襄樊市枣阳县最近有地震吗?前几天随洲出现大量青蛙迁移,说随洲要发生地震了(随洲与枣阳挨着的),造成大量居民有家不敢回的情况.这几天又出现很多人议论说枣阳要地震了,搞的 英语翻译湖北科圣鹏装饰净化工程有限公司 用英语翻译 湖北在湖南的北面 张氏字辈 我是孝辈 ,我爸是忠辈...我是湖北枣阳,杨档的,听说以前是从陕西大槐树下,迁移到河南,后又到湖北的,我能记得的辈分是:道 光 召 文 忠 孝 传 家 召前面的不怎么准是看碑上的,前 英语翻译男的. 英语翻译男的 英语翻译我叫杨权 男