在——上填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近(英语)1.People will fly rockets to the moon in the future.People will __ to the moon __ __ in the future.2.We didn't go out for a walk because it rained.We didn't go out for a walk

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:40:31

在——上填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近(英语)1.People will fly rockets to the moon in the future.People will __ to the moon __ __ in the future.2.We didn't go out for a walk because it rained.We didn't go out for a walk
1.People will fly rockets to the moon in the future.
People will __ to the moon __ __ in the future.
2.We didn't go out for a walk because it rained.
We didn't go out for a walk__ __ the rain.
3.The girl was shopping when the bus arrived.
__ the girl was shopping,the bus arrived.
4.My friend does well in English,so she often helps me etudy it.
My friend often helps me __ my English __she does well in it.
5.If you go to the beach,you"ll have a good time.
__ __ the beach __ you'll have a good time.
6.Get up early,or you'll miss the school bus.
__ you __ get up early,you'll miss the school bus.
7.We can't decide where to go.
W can't decide __ __ __ go.
8.Tim must finish all the housework before he gose to bed.
Tim must finish all the housework __ __ to bed.
9.The sports car is too expensive for me to buy.
The sprts car isn't __ __ for me __ __.
10.The moom moves round the earth.The mother told her little danghter.
The mother told her little danghter __ the moon __ round the earth.
11.We found that it was too hard to find out the differeces between the twin brothers.
We found __ __ to find out the differeces beween the twin brothers

在——上填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近(英语)1.People will fly rockets to the moon in the future.People will __ to the moon __ __ in the future.2.We didn't go out for a walk because it rained.We didn't go out for a walk
1 People will fly to the moon by rocket in the future
2 We didn't go out for a walk because of the rain
3 While the girl was shopping,the bus arrived
4 My friend often helps me with my english because she dose well in it
5 Go to the beach and you'll have a good time
6 If you don't get up early,you'll miss the school bus
7 We can't decide which place to go
8 Tim must finish all the housework before going to bed
9 The sprts car isn't cheap for me to buy
10 The mother told her little daughter that the moon moves round the earth
11 We found it hard to find out the differences between the twin brothers

在——上填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近(英语)1.People will fly rockets to the moon in the future.People will __ to the moon __ __ in the future.2.We didn't go out for a walk because it rained.We didn't go out for a walk 在——上填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近(英语)1.People will fly rockets to the moon in the future.People will __ to the moon __ __ in the future.2.We didn't go out for a walk because it rained.We didn't go out for a walk 在空白处填入恰当的单词(含缩写形式)使上下句意思相同或相近 在空白处填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近.We found that it was too hard to find out the differences between the twin brothers.We found _____ _____ to find out the differences between the twin brothers. 在空白处填入恰当的词,使上下句意义相同或相近.1.hurry up,or we ll be late for themovie._we_hurry up,we ll be late for the movie.2.tim got up early to take the early bus.tin got up early_ _ _ take the early bus.3.i am not Zhang Min is working hard because he wants to pass the coming exam.zhang min is working hard ____ ____ _____ pass the coming exam.在空白处填入恰当的词,使上下句义相同或相近。 在空白处填入恰当的单词(含缩略形式),使上下句意义相同或相近.1.When did your father get to Paris?When did your father ____ ____ Paris?2.I will finish the report as soon as I can.I will finish the report ____ ____ ____ ____ 一、在空白处填入恰当的词,使上下句意思相同或相近.1、Hurry up,or we'll be late for the movie.______ we ______ hurry up,we'll be late for the movie2、As a student,you must finish your homework alone.As a student,you must finish 在空白处填入恰当的单词(含缩略形式),使上下句意思相同或相近.Yesterday Linda was lost in the park.Yesterday Linda _________ ____________ in the park.There are twenty students in the classroom.______ _______ ________ stud 在下列各句空格处填入恰当的词 英语 题(在空白处填上恰当的词,是上下句意义相同或相近)1would you mind my parking the car in front of your house?would you mind____ _____park the car in front of your house?2 hey will get to the train station in five minutes 什么词语的意思是突然改变或变化山势一直平缓,到了这里-------(突然改变或变化)增高,我简直喘不过气来 根据句意和句后提示,在横线上填入恰当的词语。 英语题 在下列各句空格处填入恰当的词 The new car was designed by the young man 在改写后的句子中填入恰当的单词,使其与原句意思相同或相近The new car was designed by the young man.The young man ( )( )( )of the new car. 在括号里填入恰当的字组词,构成一对同义或近义词 督促——()促 充当——充() 在下列各句横线处,依次填入最恰当的关联词正确的一项是:①上千吨的轮船碰上这么大的风浪也得上下颠簸,_____这么一只小船.②他的动作完成得简直无可挑剔,____全体裁判员无一例外地亮出 七年级寒假作业——在下面各句的横线上填写恰当的词语在下面各句的横线上填写恰当的词语,使整个句子符合该句后括号中对该句内容及情感的要求,并在后面方格内添加恰当的句末标点符 在括号里填入恰当的量词