我这里有几道英语的单项选择题,我不太懂,(15)28.– There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.A.women ; shoe B.woman ; shoe C.woman ; shoes D.women; shoes 正解:A 分析:(16)29.– The computer on the desk is ( ) A.t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:38:01

我这里有几道英语的单项选择题,我不太懂,(15)28.– There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.A.women ; shoe B.woman ; shoe C.woman ; shoes D.women; shoes 正解:A 分析:(16)29.– The computer on the desk is ( ) A.t
(15)28.– There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.
A.women ; shoe B.woman ; shoe C.woman ; shoes D.women; shoes
正解:A 分析:
(16)29.– The computer on the desk is ( )
A.twins B.the twin’s C.the twins D.the twins’
正解:D 分析:
(17)30.– They are going to have a picnic ( ) next week.
A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes D.some times
正解:C 分析:
(18)34.At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the ( ) of the running water.
A.shout B.noise C.voice D.sound
正解:D 分析:
(19)35.– Heilongjiang is in the ( ) of China.
A.northeast B.northeastern C.northwest D.northwestern
正解:A 分析:
(20)60.– All the ( ) teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th ,because it was their own holiday.
A.man B.men C.woman D.women
正解:D 分析:

我这里有几道英语的单项选择题,我不太懂,(15)28.– There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.A.women ; shoe B.woman ; shoe C.woman ; shoes D.women; shoes 正解:A 分析:(16)29.– The computer on the desk is ( ) A.t
15)28. – There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.
A. women ; shoe B. woman ; shoe C. woman ; shoes D. women; shoes
正A 分析:“three ( ) assistants”中结构为“数词+名词1+名词2” 这种情况下,一般前面名词以单数形式修饰后面的复数名词,即名词1以单数形式修饰名词2;而“that ( ) shop”中“that”意为那一个,因此数量只有一,不需复数
16)– The computer on the desk is ( )
A. twins B. the twin’s C. the twins D. the twins’
正D 分析:单词复数,词尾s的逗点加在s后,句中加“the”表特指
17)– They are going to have a picnic ( ) next week.
A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times
正A 分析:“ sometime”表“某个时候”
18)At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the ( ) of the running water.
A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound
正D 分析:一般情况下:A指人的喊叫声 B指噪音(与题不符) C指人的声音
19)– Heilongjiang is in the ( ) of China.
A. northeast B. northeastern C. northwest D. northwestern
正A 分析:“the+方位词(名词)+of” 表方位 依据常识排除CD “northeastern ”为形容词
20)– All the ( ) teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th , because it was their own holiday.
A. man B. men C. woman D. women
正D 分析:March 8th =3月8日—妇女节 用法同第一题


那个问题不懂?可以找我单独将,题目太多,讲不过来全部啦!(15)28. – There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop. A. women ; shoe B. woman ; shoe C. woman ; shoes D. women; shoes 正A 分析: 名词 + 名词 :前面名词最定语修饰后面名次时,一般情况是 前面名词只...


