请帮我 She had hoped getting a dog would make it easier on him 的意思和分析这个句子 如宾语啊 主语啊 状语啊什么的 谢谢为什么要用"on"呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 12:51:05

请帮我 She had hoped getting a dog would make it easier on him 的意思和分析这个句子 如宾语啊 主语啊 状语啊什么的 谢谢为什么要用"on"呢?
请帮我 She had hoped getting a dog would make it easier on him 的意思和分析这个句子 如宾语啊 主语啊 状语啊什么的 谢谢

请帮我 She had hoped getting a dog would make it easier on him 的意思和分析这个句子 如宾语啊 主语啊 状语啊什么的 谢谢为什么要用"on"呢?
谓语是 had hoped
getting a dog would make it easier on him 是宾语从句,意思是
这里,getting a dog 充当主语
would make 是谓语,表示 可能会使
it 是这个从句中宾语从句的形式主语,easier on him 是指让他更轻松些

on是一种固定用法,如easy on the eyes adj. 好看的;悦目的

请帮我 She had hoped getting a dog would make it easier on him 的意思和分析这个句子 如宾语啊 主语啊 状语啊什么的 谢谢为什么要用on呢? She no longer had that feeling of independence she had fought so hard to win.请帮我翻译下这句话, 请帮我设计一个英文签名,我的英文名是Dylan Ge 19题怎么写,请帮我把abcdefg ge各表示什么写出来, 请各位大神帮我写一篇英语作文开头:lisd had a good time in hongkong 结尾:ali in all she had a good vacation 的作文 She wondered if they found her jewellery and rather hoped that they had . at last,her dream came true.she become a doctor,( )she had hoped to be括号里填什么?为什么? 1.His father _______ long time ago.A.has died B.had died C.died D.was dead2.She said she _______ the color TV set for five year.A.has bought B.had bought C.has had D.had had这两道题我都写错了,我对过答案,请帮我分析下这两道题, 请帮我分析几题英语语法题~At last we were able to ------him to take our advice.(d)A.suggest B.advise C.insist D.persuadeThe girl studies hard,so she is------ to succeed in the examination.(c)A.hoped B.liked C.expected D.tho it had begun to rain before she took a taxi 这句句中语法 单词 先后顺序 都对吗 请帮我检查下 He acted exactly like I would have hoped .这句话有什么语法?为什么hope要加d?请帮我翻译下谢谢了 she found that she missed him more than she had——A.wished B.hoped C.expected D.wanted 选哪个为什么 The chairman told the speaker that she ______ to speak a little louder so as to make herself _____.A.was expected; heard B.had expected; hear C.had hoped; hear D.was hoped; heard She had to park some way from the restaurant.谁帮我解释一下这个句子. had need of me翻译?she told me that wvweyone ,ni matter how happy she seemed ,no matter how old or young,hoe rich or poor,had need of me.请大家帮我翻译一下这个句子,并针对had need of me做以下重点解释,谢谢了. we had hoped that he _ longer.a should stay b would stay 请详细说明原因 Annes sister margot was very upset than the famimily had to move.However,she knew that she had g谁帮我翻译 请帮我把下列英文句子改为倒装句1、She had hardly arrived when it began to snow.2、He had scarcely got home when the telephone rang.3、The bell had no sooner rung than the students quieted down .4、Hardly had he said when he began la