
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 04:03:01


人在获得完全的行动自由后,才能达到思维的自由和人格的自主.The person can make the thought free and get the independence of personality if he obtain the absolutely free action.
一个完全自由的人,首先获得的感觉不是他能够随心所欲胡作非为,而是他必须为自己的生命和行为负全部的责任.The first feeling for an absolutely free man is not following his inclinations,but take all of the responsibility for his life and behavior.
A growing child who is not mature in body and soul,if you let him free blindly,but not control his deed and lead him to the right direction,will subsist a lot of hidden trouble.

When humans attain totally free rein, they can obtain thought freedom and personality independence. The initial feeling of a completely free man is that he must be entirely responsible for his life a...


When humans attain totally free rein, they can obtain thought freedom and personality independence. The initial feeling of a completely free man is that he must be entirely responsible for his life and actions rather than able to act wildly against law and public opinions at his or her pleasure. The development of a growing child is still immature,therefore, if he is merely rendered with the freedom in action without restriction in his behavior to guide him or her to the correct direction, such arbitrariness hide many potential hazards.


The person after obtains the complete freedom of movement, can achievethe thought the freedom and the personality independence. A completelyfree person, first obtains the feeling is not he can have on...


The person after obtains the complete freedom of movement, can achievethe thought the freedom and the personality independence. A completelyfree person, first obtains the feeling is not he can have one's wishcommits evil acts, but is he must takes the complete responsibilityfor own life and the behavior. In the growth child, the body and mindall growth has not been mature, if only gives him to move on freedom,but does not restrain his behavior, guides him to develop to thecorrect direction, such laissez faire is existence very many hiddendangers.


英语翻译人在获得完全的行动自由后,才能达到思维的自由和人格的自主.一个完全自由的人,首先获得的感觉不是他能够随心所欲胡作非为,而是他必须为自己的生命和行为负全部的责任.一个 “我告诉全世界的人我获得了自由!” 求英语翻译 把异世界的人在另一世界复制并使其获得生命的行动应该叫什么? 立即行动的英语翻译, 请问一下这个人是谁 有个人被惩罚把一个滚石推到山顶才能获得自由,但是他每次推到山顶那个石头就会滚下来这个故事曾经在但丁里的神曲出现过 仿写:小树只有在狂风暴雨后的洗礼后才能茁壮成长;小鹰只有在母鹰严格的训练下才能在空中自由翱翔 (英语翻译)虽然我行动不便,说话需要机器的帮助,但我的思想是自由的 为什么康德认为是人的自由行动的能力赋予了人类尊严? 像祥子一样的人在过去和今天怎样做才能获得幸福 原子核,电子,光子间的问题电子怎样脱离原子核束缚,又怎样在其他原子核中自由移动?电子获得能量后又怎样释放光子? 有关海阔凭鱼跃,天空任鸟飞的作文比喻可以充分自由地行动,或无拘无束地施展才能.就这方面的作文, 中古时期的西欧,拥有自治权的城市,农奴只要在自由的城市里住满多久就能获得自由 怎么样才能活的自由 英语翻译玉树坚强,中国在行动. 感动不仅要说出来600字以上写人叙事的作文,重点要在感动后的行动上! 英语翻译呆在井里的青蛙永远不知道外面的世界多么美丽;躲在窝能获得自由.青蛙只需坚持便能爬出深井;母鸡只需努力便能飞越栅栏;大象只需用力挪动身体便能获得自由.是他们没有能 获得新知识的英语翻译 英语翻译:获得...的奖项