给句子改错(只能改下面划线部分虚线不算,改一处,不改标点)1.That book don't have colorful pictures. ____ ____ ______2.The pen is the most cheapest of the three. ——

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 14:34:27

给句子改错(只能改下面划线部分虚线不算,改一处,不改标点)1.That book don't have colorful pictures. ____ ____ ______2.The pen is the most cheapest of the three. ——
1.That book don't have colorful pictures.
____ ____ ______
2.The pen is the most cheapest of the three.
—— ____ ______
3.There are still some milk in the fridge.
__ __ ___
4.It's more expensve than that one.
____ _______ ___
5.Which film do you see last night?
____ __ __

给句子改错(只能改下面划线部分虚线不算,改一处,不改标点)1.That book don't have colorful pictures. ____ ____ ______2.The pen is the most cheapest of the three. ——
That book dosen't have colorful pictures.
The pen is the cheapest of the three.
There is still some milk in the fridge.
It's more expensive than that one.
which film did you see last night?

给句子改错(只能改下面划线部分虚线不算,改一处,不改标点)1.That book don't have colorful pictures. ____ ____ ______2.The pen is the most cheapest of the three. —— 给机子改错(只能改下面划线部分虚线不算,改一处,不改标点)1.Everyone in the street knows him last year. _______ _____ ___2.The Emperor ran back to his palace and never came in again. 给句子改错(只能改下面划线部,分虚线不算,改一处,不改标点)1.He asked us add some sugar.__ __ __2.At April,I will visit Japan.__ __ ____3.Mike always plays the tennis._____ __ ____4.------ How much are the the watermelons?--- 给下句子改错(只能改下面划线部分,改一处)1.The cat is as bigger as the dog. _____ _________ ______2.Lucy and Lily are tall. Helen is taller of them all. __ __ ___3.Mocky has a beautiful 划线部分改错. 英语句子改错,请问下面句子有没有错,如果有请改一下,但只能改一个单词,he was walking to school the other day when he let a bicycle ran right into him请问是为什么 将下面句子中的划线部分换成成语. 按要求改下面句子1.Will you fly to Beijing tomorrow night?(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________________________2.Yesterday morning he went up very late.(对划线部分提问)_______________________________ 改错:You,smith,who is well,can't have any idea of my illness.SMITH ,WHO IS WELL,HAVE ANY IDEA ,ILLNESS下面划线请问哪部分错?怎么改? 给划线部分提问 给划线部分提问 关于初一英语改句子【划线部分提问】She often has some vegetables and noodles for breakfast.【划线部分提问,划线breakfast】Tom is well.【划线提问,划线well】Yesterday was November 17th【划线提问,划线November 17th 英语 划线句子怎么改 给句子改错 milk,i下面划线 A.five B.like C.in 都是i划线.后三个划线部分读音与所给的单词划线部分读音相同的 五年级上册寒假作业英语的改句子对划线部分提问答案 改写下面句子划线部分,使它和前面的句子 形成对偶.原句:石间细流脉脉,如线如缕;水塘中闪闪的碧波,就像锦缎一般.改句:石间细流脉脉,如线如缕;———— 英语对划线部分提问,划线部分还能出现在句子中吗?如They [ are flying kites] over there对括号里的部分提问,该如何改