
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 23:04:29


I have cheked with the carrier about the freight,which is RMB2000 from Beijing to Shanghai.As for payment,please pay all the balence as soon as the goods arrive in Shanghai.(Paid upon unloading)

I've been confirmed with the motocade, the freight cost from Beijing to Shanghai is RMB2,000 Yuan. confirm with the motocade about the payment , after the rest of the money transfered to Shanghai ( when paid in unloading )

I already with car brigade carry out good, is 2000 dollars from Peking to the land transportation fee of Shanghai.The method of payment that the heel car brigade confirms is after the style of surplus got to Shanghai(pay in full while unloading a car)

We have agreement with the logistic company regarding on the
transportation fee from Beijing to Shanghai is 2000 rmb(人民币)。
As the shipment arrive to Shanghai, the logistic company will collect the remaining balance of the shipment fee on spot.

I have been with the team to implement, from Beijing to Shanghai freight is 2000 yuan. With the team to confirm the payment is the remaining money to Shanghai after ( in the truck when paid )

英语翻译我已经跟车队落实好了,从北京到上海的陆运费是2000元.跟车队确认的付款方式是剩余的款到了上海之后(在卸车的时候付清) 英语翻译落实到一字一句的. 英语翻译姓已经翻译好了我姓夏叫允彤 英语翻译中文我已经写好了,就六句!不要到google 或其它软件翻译来的 . 多少度玻璃瓶化妆水会被冻裂之前代购了化妆水,最近才到,可是哈尔滨已经零下十几度了,店主跟我说我会被冻裂.玻璃瓶的从北京到哈尔滨会碎不? 怎样从英国寄信到中国我已经买好了airmail 的那个贴纸,地址也写好了那么直接丢到邮筒里面就可以了么? 我的信已经写好了的英语翻译 英文翻译:酒店我已经预定好了,位于北京和平里,离你公证的地方很近. 英语翻译对于从北京到山西的行程,我建议可以乘坐高铁,从北京西到太原,详细信息如下 -追击问题- -一车队匀速10M/S向前,一摩托车20M/S追,在距离车队最后一汽车25M的时候,以0.5M/S2加速度,匀减,车队每辆车相距25M,问与几个车相遇,相遇几次?从敢上车队到离开车队,用多长时间?摩托车 作文已经写好了 英语翻译 英语翻译在当今,临时性的工作涉及各个方面,从接待员到首席执行总裁,并且还有其他更多的类型.因为职业中介机构最先跟公司打交道,所以很多市场和协商的工作都已经给你做好了.如果你认 第一车队比第二车队的客车多128辆,现在从第一车队调出11辆客车到第二车队服务,这时第一车队是第二车队的3倍,原来两车对各有多少辆客车? 英语翻译最好是落实到字,翻译要全, 从北京到武汉要花多长时间?英语翻译 从北京到武汉要花多少时间?的英语翻译 “从南京到北京有多远”用英语翻译这句话 用英语翻译:坐飞机从上海到北京要两个小时