deny要被动吗?这句话的语法还有问题吗?The past decades,kids were denied access to art education.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:31:12

deny要被动吗?这句话的语法还有问题吗?The past decades,kids were denied access to art education.
The past decades,kids were denied access to art education.

deny要被动吗?这句话的语法还有问题吗?The past decades,kids were denied access to art education.
She denied all knowledge of the incident. 她否认知晓此事的任何情况.
They were denied access to the information. 他们试图取得这个情报被拒.

deny要被动吗?这句话的语法还有问题吗?The past decades,kids were denied access to art education. 请教英语不定式被动语态语法问题Seven different gifts are to be distributed among 10 children.这句话能写成Seven different gifts are distributed among 10 children.为什么要加上不定式的被动语态?意思改变了吗? 英语翻译这句话有语法问题吗 英文翻译you can tell a lot about .by.这句话符合语法吗?是否应该被动 语法:感官动词的被动语态I'm feeling the fur coat.我在摸这件毛皮大衣.请问上面这句话可不可以变为被动语态?怎样变?请问,它变成被动语态之后还可以是进行时吗? This is my weekend这句话有语法问题吗 解释一个英语句子的语法问题no tickets sold 3 minutes befor the last train arrives.这句话在地铁门上经常见到,为什么sold前不加are,票是被卖的,这不是应该是被动语态吗?没有be动词为什么?我语法不好,谁 这句话是什么语法?是老外说的话I think you're mistaken on the speedyou're mistaken 有这种用法吗?我知道是被动语态,但为什么这里要用被动?我怎么不觉得有被动的意思 everything will be better 这句话有什么语法的问题吗 “我们在天上看见的星星都是恒星”这句话有语法问题吗? 关于英语过去式或被动的语法问题例如这句话:One Country,two systems is a complete concept,with one country closely linked with two systems.其中linked with是指过去式的用法还是被动?为什么? 德语问题!Das finde ich sehr schön.Das finde ich sehr schön.1.这句话的主语是 Das 还是 ich?2.finden 好像有些被动的意味是这样吗?3.如何理解这句话的句子语法结构呢,最好举例说明下!谢谢! they are worried这句话是被动语态吗,一般现在时的被动语态? “nothing's gonna change”的语法问题请问1.怎么分析这句话的语法成分2.为什么不是nothing gonna changemb09066 :be + 过去分词 才是被动语态啊... 这句话是被动语态吗 When would you like this letter mailed的语法问题我对这句话的语态不是很清楚,个人感觉应该是被动形式吧,letter be mailed.还有就是这里的mailed可以用send代替么?请高手帮忙解答下,非常感谢! 没有被动语态的英文单词How often does it come out?这句话中老师说come out没有被动语态,所以只需这样写.还有那些没有被动语态的词?都是这样写吗?还有有关被动语态的用法. 初三英语的被动语态Great changes are taken place these years.这句话有什么问题吗?老师在are 上圈了圈,我不明白哪里有问题.注,老师让我们用被动语态造句