要上下两句意思一致: When does he go to see a film? When does he( )( )( )( )?每空一词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 23:07:52

要上下两句意思一致: When does he go to see a film? When does he( )( )( )( )?每空一词
要上下两句意思一致: When does he go to see a film? When does he( )( )( )( )?每空一词

要上下两句意思一致: When does he go to see a film? When does he( )( )( )( )?每空一词
go to the cinema

要上下两句意思一致: When does he go to see a film? When does he( )( )( )( )?每空一词 Is your mother in today?Is your mother today?是根据上句完成下句,使上下两句意思一致。 Can you sing English songs?根据上句完成下句,使上下两句意思一致_____ you _______ ______ sing English songs? l have a daughter of eight (保持上下句意思一致)l have ____ ____ daughter 根据汉语的意思完成下列英语句子,使上下两句意思一致,每空一词(含缩写)她姐姐是干什么的?a)_____ _____ her sister ______?b)_____ her sister's _______? 使上下句字意思一致,tina couldn't decide which skirt she使上下句字意思一致,tina couldn't decide which skirt she should choose.tina couldn't decide _____ ______ ______ _______· 根据上句完成下句是上下句意思相同 what does your mother do ( )is your mothers 英语,根据上句完成下句,且使上下两句意思一致,每空一词.1.—Could you help me?-Certainly.—Could you help me?—__________ __________.2.Can you take care of my little dog?Can you__________ __________my little dog?3.They often pl 根据汉语的意思完成下列英语句子,使上下两句意思一致,每空一词(含缩写)她要哪种面包?a)What kind of bread ____ she ____?b)What kind of bread ____ she ____?他是一个二十五岁的流行歌手.a)He is a ______ pop when is he shaving today when does he shave today以上两句的中文解释有什么区别和就是这样两句,中文分别是什么意思. 填上一词使A、B两句意思一致A:I did my homework last night.B:I did my homework yesterday ( ). When does Jim have music?的意思 1补充句子,使下句的意思和上句的意思基本一致The dimsum is very delicious.The( )is( ) ( ).We are very happy in liuhua park.We( )much( )in liuhua park.2补充句子所缺的单词,使上下句的意思基本一致This is Mary.This is( 补充句子所缺的单词,使上下句的意思基本一致1.She needs to get plenty of rest.She ____ _____get _____ _____of rest.2.Who's calling,please?Who's_____,please? May I know your phone number?( )is your ( )number?句型转换,使上下两句意思相同,每空一词. When does it rain money?滴 意思When does it rain money?Whenever there is some change in the weather.我要完整的意思 特别是第二句很多答案都看不懂 这是脑经急转弯也 不论什么时候这儿的天气总有变化 跟 什么 描写春天的诗句!要上下相连的!两句!要作者和出处! 关于 校园汉字听写大会 的宣传语一般为上下两句,要对仗工整