
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:56:05


1.可数名词 n.[C] 理由;原因
cause; why you do or say something
· I have no reason for it.
· Give me your reason for doing it.
· What is the reason for your hurry?
2.不可数名词 n.[U] 理智
the power to think and make the right decision
· Only man has reason.
· It doesn't matter what you feel,you must listen to reason.
3.及物动词 vt.推理;思考
to think about something and to make the right decision
· I will reason why you are wrong.
· The ability to reason makes man different from animals.
4.不及物动词 vi.合理地思考或讨论
think or discuss logically
· I reason in this way on (about) the matter.

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n. ( 名词 noun )
1. 【事】 理由,原因,动机
* give [yield, render] a reason for 陈述…理由,说明,解释
* have reason for [to do] 有必须的理由,有理由去(做),(做)…是对的(其强调形式为have every (raison d〔1304〕t...


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n. ( 名词 noun )
1. 【事】 理由,原因,动机
* give [yield, render] a reason for 陈述…理由,说明,解释
* have reason for [to do] 有必须的理由,有理由去(做),(做)…是对的(其强调形式为have every (raison d〔1304〕tat) [good] reason for...[to do...])
* reason(s) of state 国家的理由(常被统治者当作藉口)
* It is not altogether without reason that he grumbles. 他发牢骚并非毫无理由.
* The reason why he hesitates is that 他犹豫不决的原因是…(口语中有时用because代替that).
2. 【事】 【逻】 论据
3. 【事】 【逻】 前提 ( 尤指小前提 )
4. 【事】 【哲】 理性
* be restored to reason 恢复理智
* lose one's reason 失去理智
* Only man has reason. 只有人具有理性
* practical reason 实践理性
* age of reason.
5. 【事】 【废】 公平
* do sb reason. 公平对待某人.
6. 【事】 道理,情理
* There is reason in what you say.你讲得有道理.
* out of all reason不合理,不对头(unreasonable)
* beyond [past] (all) reason毫无道理,全然无理
* hear [listen to] reason服从道理,服理
* see reason明白理由[道理]
* speak [talk] reason讲合乎道理的话.
7. 【事】 正常神志,正常的思想,健全的理智;推理力,判断力;理智
* be restored to reason 恢复理智
* lose one's reason 失去理智
* Only man has reason. 只有人具有理性
* practical reason 实践理性
* age of reason.
vt. ( 及物动词 transitive verb )
1. 推断,分析
* reason out a problem 分析一问题.
2. 讨论,论述
3. 论证
4. 【古】 用道理辩护[支持]
5. 劝喻,说服
* reason sb down 说服某人
* reason sb out of his obstinacy 劝说某人不要固执
* reason sb into compliance [doing his duties] 劝某人顺从[尽义务]
* reason oneself into perplexity 不能自圆其说.
vi. ( 不及物动词 intransitive verb )
1. 作逻辑思维,推理,推论,推断
* reason from false premises 根据错误的前提进行推论.
2. 劝说,理喻
* I reasoned with him about the plan.我同他讨论这项计划.
3. 【废】 讨论,商谈
* I reasoned with him about the plan.我同他讨论这项计划.


reason 的用法应注意以下几点:
1. 表示理由或原因,多用作可数名词,有时也用作不可数名词,其后常接介词for-短语或不定式短语:
Give me your reason (s) fordoing it. 说说你做这件事的理由吧。
I have many reasons tofear him. 我怕他是有很多理由的。
There is (some) reaso...


reason 的用法应注意以下几点:
1. 表示理由或原因,多用作可数名词,有时也用作不可数名词,其后常接介词for-短语或不定式短语:
Give me your reason (s) fordoing it. 说说你做这件事的理由吧。
I have many reasons tofear him. 我怕他是有很多理由的。
There is (some) reason tosuspect him. 怀疑他是有 (些)理由的。
The reason for the floodwas all that heavy rain. 涨洪水的原因完全是那场大雨。
2. 后接定语从句,用why (=for which)引导,有时也可用that, 在非正式英语中甚至可以省略:
The reason that [why] he died waslack of medical care. 他死的原因是缺少医疗。
The reason I didn’t tell you was that I wanted it to be a surprise. 我之所以没有告诉你是想让它给你个惊奇。
注意the reason之后所接的why引导的定语从句,必须是限制性的,而不能是非限制性的。
3. 注意以下几句,第一句比第二句更普通:
正:Tell me why you are late.
正:Tell me the reason why you are late.
正:That’s why he was dismissed.
正:That’s the reason why he was dismissed.
4. 在 The reason why…is that…这类句型中,通常要用 that来引导表语从句,但在现代英语中用 because的情况已比较普遍:
Thereason (why) he did not come was that [because] he was ill. 他没有来是因为他生病了。
但在应试中,若要从that / because中作出选择,当然以选that为宜。


reason: [ 'ri:zn ]
n. 理由,理智,理性
v. 说服,推论,下判断

1. She can reason very clearly.

2. Copernicus reasoned that the earth revolved around the sun.


reason: [ 'ri:zn ]
n. 理由,理智,理性
v. 说服,推论,下判断

1. She can reason very clearly.

2. Copernicus reasoned that the earth revolved around the sun.

3. We have reason to believe that he was murdered.

4. The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped.

5. He was excused by reason of his age.

6. It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.

7. I'll do anything within reason to earn my living.
为了谋生, 只要是正当的事我什麽事都做.

8. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.
他推断, 我们要是黎明出发, 中午就能到.
