
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:57:55


The power of wordsUseful sentence,more than thousands and thousands of words.At all times and in all countries have a lot of people because of other people's words and deeply moved,even click into place; because the" word" and life changing stories,are numerous.Once,have so a story,have a child diagnosed with ADHD,his mother went to the school to the parents meeting,the teacher more than once complain said:" your children can't sit still for even a minute." But his mother encouraged the child to say:"the teacher praised you,before you can only take half a minute,can now sit for one minute." Because of this word,let the child regain confidence,ultimately to the success.A simple words of encouragement,let people to success,and this is the power of words.Let the lost lives again let light shine,do not have to please articulate people to enlighten,sometimes just a look common,can bring to each other the power.一句话的力量
对人有用的一句话,胜过千言万语.古今中外有很多人 因为别人的一句话而深受感动,甚至豁然开朗;由于「一句话」而改变一生的事例,更是多不胜数.曾经,有这么一个故事,有一个孩子患有多动症,他的母亲到学校去开家长会,老师不止一次抱怨说:"你的孩子连一分钟都坐不住.”但母亲却鼓励孩子说:“老师表扬你了,你以前只能坐半分钟,现在可以坐一分钟了.”因为这一句话,让那个孩子重拾了信心,最终走向了成功.这样简单的一句鼓励的话,却让人走向成功,而这就是一句话的力量.让失落的生命再次放发光芒,不一定要请能言善道的人来开导,有时仅仅是一句看起来普通的话,就能为对方带来力量.