两道英语定语从句题正在和护士交谈的那个医生下个月将要去非洲.The doctor________ ________the nurse is talking is leaving for Africa next month.我们尽了我们所能做的一切去帮助盲人.We did_______ ________we coul

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:59:08

两道英语定语从句题正在和护士交谈的那个医生下个月将要去非洲.The doctor________ ________the nurse is talking is leaving for Africa next month.我们尽了我们所能做的一切去帮助盲人.We did_______ ________we coul
The doctor________ ________the nurse is talking is leaving for Africa next month.
We did_______ ________we could to help the blind.

两道英语定语从句题正在和护士交谈的那个医生下个月将要去非洲.The doctor________ ________the nurse is talking is leaving for Africa next month.我们尽了我们所能做的一切去帮助盲人.We did_______ ________we coul
with whom. talk with sb.意思为和某人交谈.这块可以把with 提前,后面加whom.
应该是we did all that we could do to help the blind.或者we did everything that we could do to help the blind.

2.all,/everything ,that

1. to whom
2.all that=what

with whom 因为talk with sb.为与某人交谈且先行词the doctor是人,故把
With 提前,再者介词with之后只能用whom ,不能用who.
2.all \everything that