The captain___ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.a,madeb,saidc,putd,passed选哪个,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:53:58

The captain___ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.a,madeb,saidc,putd,passed选哪个,为什么?
The captain___ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

The captain___ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.a,madeb,saidc,putd,passed选哪个,为什么?


The captain___ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.a,madeb,saidc,putd,passed选哪个,为什么? AP 等差数列{An},Ap=q,Aq=p,(p不等于q)求Ap+q 已知正数数列an有ap+q=ap*aq,若a2=4,求a9 帮忙做道英语阅读题An old postcard changed the lives of an eleven-year-old boy and a very sick woman.The postcard had a picture of the Titanic on it which at the time was the biggest ship in the world.It hit an iceberg (冰山) and sank on Ap 分治法 练习题 divide and conquer一组数字A1到An 有一个位置p A1到Ap是递增 Ap到An是递减设计分治法算法找位置p;用你的算法建立递归关系对于键值比较并解释;(set up a recurrence relation for the num ap 关于dative covalent bond 配价键的题 which of the following can accept an electron pair in the formation of a dative covalent bond?下列哪个可以在形成配价键时得到一对电子1 NH3 2 AlCl33 CH44 BF3 等差数列{an}中m-n=q-p,那么am-an=aq-ap么 若An是等比数列,正整数m,n,p成等差数列,求证:An,Am,Ap成等比数列 Common Application中的问题Are classes taken on a block schedule?> Yes > NoIs the applicant an IB Diploma candidate?> Yes > NoIf you offer AP courses,do you limit the number astudent can take?> Yes > NoHow many AP courses does your school offer(in 在等差数列{An}中,已知Ap=q,Aq=p(p不等于q),求Ap+q 已知数列an属于N ap+aq=ap+q 若a1=九分之一 则a36= ap physics B help.vector A has a magnitude of 10 units and makes an angle of 30degree with the horizontal x-axis.vector B has a magnitude of 25 units and makes an angle of 50degree with the negative x-axis.what is the magnitude of the resultant betwe energy of formation是啥普林斯顿AP化学里面有一个讲Standard state conditions里面有一个The energy of formation of an element in its normal state is defined as zero. AP 宏观经济学题目 1995年During a mild recession,if policymakers want to reduce umemployment by increasing investment,which of the following policies would be most appropriate?A.equal increases in government expenditure and increase 关于电子排布的一道AP化学题Consider an atom that contains an electron with the quantum numbers 3,1,0,-1/2,All that can be said about this electron is that it may exist in any element with an atomic number of 13 or greater.这句话是书 一道AP微观经济题Operating in the intermediate range of the aggregate supply curve,an increase in aggregate demand results in an increase in (a) price level only (b)real GDP only(c) neither price level nor real GDP(d)nominal GDP only (e)price l In the short term,the company's focus will be on developing the Oropesa deposit with the intention of bringing the top-200 to top-250 metres to an initial resource status by mid-2012.Eurotin(公司名) has also received conditional approval of ap