帮我解释这个几个句子结构there is nothing in this shop above five pounds .为什么回是这样写成there is nothing above five pounds in this shop .这样可以吗a job more suited to his abilities 怎么理解.he is old but still quite

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 14:27:12

帮我解释这个几个句子结构there is nothing in this shop above five pounds .为什么回是这样写成there is nothing above five pounds in this shop .这样可以吗a job more suited to his abilities 怎么理解.he is old but still quite
there is nothing in this shop above five pounds .为什么回是这样
写成there is nothing above five pounds in this shop .这样可以吗
a job more suited to his abilities 怎么理解.
he is old but still quite able .able不是形弄词吗怎么可以放在句末?
he is finding this trip very exciting 怎么理解.是一般现在时吗.he find this trip very exciting /
find +名+形 .

帮我解释这个几个句子结构there is nothing in this shop above five pounds .为什么回是这样写成there is nothing above five pounds in this shop .这样可以吗a job more suited to his abilities 怎么理解.he is old but still quite
there is nothing above five pounds in this shop 应该可以
able是is的表语,可以放在句末,你没见过I'm fine吗?fine也是形容词啊!
he finds this trip very exciting 与原句时态不同,不可以.

帮我解释这个几个句子结构there is nothing in this shop above five pounds .为什么回是这样写成there is nothing above five pounds in this shop .这样可以吗a job more suited to his abilities 怎么理解.he is old but still quite there is motivation only when there is pressure!谁能帮我分析分析这个句子结构 麻烦帮我分析一下这个句子的语法结构This is as good an example as the other is.这个句子是什么语法结构呢? 帮我划分一个这个句子的句子结构.there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders,the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. There is a little girl who is laughing in the middle of the bedroom.这句话有没有语法错误?最好是帮我分析下这个句子的结构~ 英语中there能做主语吗?能分析一下there is nobody there的句子结构吗?我在书上看到there is nobody there中的nobody是做表语的!那么它是特殊情况还是书上解释有误? 帮我解释下:There is no guarantee (that) it will be a nice weather tomorrow 句子结构?能有句子结构方面说明吗?既没主语,又不清楚谓语在哪?希望能细分析下。对我现在刚入门的学习者 哪位老师帮我翻译以下这个句子并分析一下句子结构,句子是:when wine is in truth,wit is out. 英语翻译最好帮我讲一下这个句子句型结构 Thought is already is late,exactly is the earliest time.从语法和句子结构的角度,帮我分析这个句子, There is rain.这个句子对吗?there be结构后面可以接动词什么形式? 求助,高人帮我分析一下这个英语句子的语法结构! The problem is difficult to be solved there is 结构的句子There is full of the milk in the bottle.这个句子错在那里? There is a pen on the desk.如何解释句子结构? Is there a bus on the road?哪位懂英语的帮我翻译下这个句子,还有其中的Is there是什么意思. 帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法结构吧that is all there is to it 英语句子结构疑惑There he is a regular customer.这个句子怎么分析结构?尤其是这个he ,放在there和is中间是啥用法 英语翻译请帮我翻译出句子含义,以及这个句子的句子结构.