
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 16:06:50的意思的意思的意思

学前教育。。。大概相当于幼儿园吧的意思 Pre-school education is that part of education children recive before they go to school.这里children recive before they go to school应该是做一个定语从句、修饰education的,意思为“孩子们在上学之前所接受的”,recive应 On Middle School Education in China. Mang people go to school for education should physical education in school be compulsury? School enrollment,pre primary (% gross)请翻译成中文 一题英语选择题,2012福建省质检的So far it has been suggested that special stress _______ on pre-school education laid laid C.has been laid D.have been laid 我认为是“现在有情况表明学前教育已经有一些特殊 EDUCATION education education 英语作文 family education and school education只需要有80字左右就行了, What are the differences between higher education and middle school education? ____the help of some programme of education,children do_____ school. Is the school education enough英语作文80次左右 不要We go to school for education 开头的 pre a-level算year几?是算 Junior high school 还是year 10 或者year11? drop out of school;stop going to school;look after;get an education 英语翻译Bridget Terry Long is Professor of Education and Economics at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.As an economist specializing in the study of education,Dr.Long examines the transition from high school to higher education and beyond. 英语作文第一段family education and school education需要在第一段就直接点名为中心