
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 12:11:13


LZ,我与奥运 \x0d
我与奥运 \x0d
奥运是窗口,我是守望者. \x0d
这是一扇极大的窗,被擦得明亮.透过它,看到的是世界.这里每天都在变,这里每天都有新兴事物在更替.只有我,这个忠诚的守望者,每天都在关注它,希望更多地了解它. \x0d
奥运是路口,我是行人. \x0d
每天路过这里的人很多,有亚洲人、有欧洲人,有老人、有孩子.这儿是交通要塞,连接着五湖四海的朋友.我只是路过这里的亿万人之一,穿过它,到另一个世界去. \x0d
奥运是圣地,我是志愿者. \x0d
这是片圣洁的土地,自始至终都有圣火在旁边陪伴.正因为这样,我自愿为它付出,我要尽我的力量让这片土地更加洁净,让更多人了解它,也像我一样愿意献身于它.我还要给来这里的人予以帮助,让他们享受这片圣地的快乐. \x0d
奥运是平台,我是主人. \x0d
它为我们搭起了平台,让世界了解我们;它为我们建造了桥梁,让我们与世界更好地沟通.这个平台可以让我们尽情展现自己.我是这里的主人,我为是这里的主人自豪.我要尽地主之谊,让来客感受到热情与欢乐. \x0d
第二: \x0d
今天,当奥运圣火冉冉升起,全世界人民的目光再次随之瞩目雅典.令我们不禁回顾百年前的历史壮景.百年后全世界人民再次聚首在这块拥有着古老文化和神奇力量的土地上.这里是友谊,和平的开始,是公平,公正运动竞争的起源地. \x0d
而后这100年来,这种伟大的运动之源在全世界人们的心中传动.历届奥运圣火的点燃都伴随着团结友爱的气氛.精彩夺目的开幕式,紧张的抉择时刻,惊心动魄的比赛场面,规模宏大的奥运赛事,那绿色甜美的异国风景,热情好客的各地人民,使得奥运这个名词成为全世界人们都瞩目,热爱的交点. \x0d
而我更加沉迷于那金牌带来的闪闪光芒和崇高的荣誉.我由衷的为那些给祖国人民带来这一切光辉荣耀的运动健儿们感到骄傲,更加深切地为那些付出了许多艰辛汗水而未能获得奖牌的运动员们感到惋惜.虽然金牌只有一个,但他们在我心中都是英雄.正像雅典开幕式上的一幕.主灯光熄灭,坐席间荧光灯像群星般璀璨,象征着我们的奥运健儿如群星聚焦雅典奥运.我总会闭上眼睛回想那壮美的一幕,是他们使这个夜晚美丽,他们才是我学习的榜样. \x0d
说起奥运赛项,我还是喜欢看游泳和羽毛球,不仅因为这两项是我的强项,更因为它离我的生活最近.一想到我千辛万苦才把游泳学会,而那些游泳健儿们要在短短几分钟的时间里游几百米远,不知道从小到达要付出多少常人难以想象的努力,流淌多少艰辛的汗水.金牌背后的故事我们可能永远也数不清.但是我们也不会忘记他们的名字. \x0d
现在最令我期待和兴奋的是2008年即将在中国的首都——北京,召开的第29届运动会.我早已把奥运会标和会旗的图案贴在墙头.我坚信,那将是全世界人民最难忘的一次聚会,一次绿色与美丽,文化与传统,公平与友爱的盛会,一次给奥运这个名词带来更加深远意义盛会.我要为这个目标而努力学习,学习历史、英语和各地文化习俗,将来为北京奥运服务,让全世界看到一个热情、文明、美丽、先进的中国. \x0d
我热爱奥运,我期待奥运! \x0d
第三: \x0d
今天,当奥运圣火冉冉升起,全世界人民的目光再次随之瞩目雅典.令我们不禁回顾百年前的历史壮景.百年后全世界人民再次聚首在这块拥有着古老文化和神奇力量的土地上.这里是友谊,和平的开始,是公平,公正运动竞争的起源地. \x0d
而后这100年来,这种伟大的运动之源在全世界人们的心中传动.历届奥运圣火的点燃都伴随着团结友爱的气氛.精彩夺目的开幕式,紧张的抉择时刻,惊心动魄的比赛场面,规模宏大的奥运赛事,那绿色甜美的异国风景,热情好客的各地人民,使得奥运这个名词成为全世界人们都瞩目,热爱的交点. \x0d
而我更加沉迷于那金牌带来的闪闪光芒和崇高的荣誉.我由衷的为那些给祖国人民带来这一切光辉荣耀的运动健儿们感到骄傲,更加深切地为那些付出了许多艰辛汗水而未能获得奖牌的运动员们感到惋惜.虽然金牌只有一个,但他们在我心中都是英雄.正像雅典开幕式上的一幕.主灯光熄灭,坐席间荧光灯像群星般璀璨,象征着我们的奥运健儿如群星聚焦雅典奥运.我总会闭上眼睛回想那壮美的一幕,是他们使这个夜晚美丽,他们才是我学习的榜样. \x0d
说起奥运赛项,我还是喜欢看游泳和羽毛球,不仅因为这两项是我的强项,更因为它离我的生活最近.一想到我千辛万苦才把游泳学会,而那些游泳健儿们要在短短几分钟的时间里游几百米远,不知道从小到达要付出多少常人难以想象的努力,流淌多少艰辛的汗水.金牌背后的故事我们可能永远也数不清.但是我们也不会忘记他们的名字. \x0d
现在最令我期待和兴奋的是2008年即将在中国的首都——北京,召开的第29届运动会.我早已把奥运会标和会旗的图案贴在墙头.我坚信,那将是全世界人民最难忘的一次聚会,一次绿色与美丽,文化与传统,公平与友爱的盛会,一次给奥运这个名词带来更加深远意义盛会.我要为这个目标而努力学习,学习历史、英语和各地文化习俗,将来为北京奥运服务,让全世界看到一个热情、文明、美丽、先进的中国. \x0d
我热爱奥运,我期待奥运! \x0d
第四: \x0d
奥运是什么?在我的眼里,它是一场没有硝烟的战场.人类之间的战争,就其本质目的来说,并不在于屠杀,而在于使敌方屈服,这一点,在奥运会上得以充分实现.人类作为一种高级动物,本来就有着协作与好战的双重属性,否则,世界上就不会有那么多的战争.但愿奥运能成为人类竟争与好胜的最终战场,而使真正的血腥战争得以消亡. \x0d
奥运是人类体能的博览会.似海豚,奥运会上有着那么多优美的泳姿;似猎豹,百米冲刺风驰电掣;似雄鹰,体操、跳水志在长空.美中不足的是,人类最大的潜能---发明、制造与利用工具的能力未能成为奥运会的竞技项目. \x0d
奥运是一个舞台,展现着力量、意志、技巧和自然的美,以及生理上的极限,赢得了数以亿记观众的青睐.人们为胜利所鼓舞,为失误而遗憾,为参与而自豪.每一枚奖牌,其份量均超过奥斯卡、金熊的奖杯. \x0d
奥运是人生的缩影.冠军是幸运的,在通往冠军的金字塔下,多少无名英雄为之而奋力攀登;冠军是短暂的,今日的冠军,明日可能名落孙山;冠军是相对的,某一项目的冠军,在其它方面很有可能是低能儿;冠军是荣耀的,但在他高唱国歌、热泪盈眶之时,想到的并不是未来 \x0d
怎样辉煌,而是回想到了数年来伤病的困扰和艰苦的训练;冠军是可贵的,在他的身上,有着多少不屈不挠、挑战自我、勇攀高峰的精神. \x0d
奥运是人类的圣会.除了它,人类的哪一项社会活动能在如此公正、详和、欢庆的气氛中进行!我祝愿奥运精神永驻人间,给世界带来和平、带来欢乐、带来繁荣、带来希望 84希望对你有帮助!

I Olympic
Olympic is a window, I watch people.
This is a great window, the bright and polished. Through it, is one of the world to see. Here is changing every day, every day new things here ...


I Olympic
Olympic is a window, I watch people.
This is a great window, the bright and polished. Through it, is one of the world to see. Here is changing every day, every day new things here in turnover. Only I, the loyalty of those who watch, it concerns every day, hoping to learn more about it.
Olympic is a junction, I am pedestrian.
A day pass by here a lot of people, Asians, Europeans, the elderly and children. Traffic here is a fortress, to connect with friends around the world. I was just passing through here one of the hundreds of millions of people through it, go to another world.
Olympic is a sacred place, I volunteer.
This is a piece of holy land, from beginning to end in the next to have a torch to accompany. That is why I voluntarily pay for it, I would like to do my strength so that the land more clean, more people understand it, like me, are willing to dedicate themselves to it. I would also like to be here to help, so that they can enjoy the happiness of this Holy Land.
Olympic platform is, I am the master.
It set up a platform for us, we let the world know; it is for us to build a bridge for us to better communicate with the world. This platform will allow us to show your own. I am the master here, I was here for the master proud. I would like to host, let visitors feel the passion and joy.
The second:
Today, when the Olympic flame rising, the people of the world's attention once again the ensuing attention Athens. We can not help but recall the history of 100 years ago King Zhuang. After 100 years the people of the world have come together again in this ancient culture and the magic power of the land. This is the friendship and the beginning of peace, it is fair, just and competitive movement of origin.
It then 100 years, this great movement of the source in the hearts of people around the world drive. Olympic flame lit in the past are accompanied by an atmosphere of solidarity and affection. Highlights of the dazzling opening ceremony, the tension of the moment decision, soul-stirring scene of the game, the scale of the Olympic tournament, and that sweet green exotic scenery, the hospitality of the people around, making the term Olympics as the world's attention all people, love the point of intersection.
I was more obsessed with gold and brought the shining light of the lofty honor. I sincerely to the motherland and the people who brought all this glorious honor of the athletes they proud of, even more deeply for those who pay a lot of hard sweat and failed to medal winners were regrettable. Although there is only one gold medal, but they are all heroes in my heart. As the opening ceremony of the Athens scene. The main lights go out, the seat between the fluorescent lamp as bright as the stars, the symbol of our Olympic athletes such as Focus on the stars of the Athens Olympics. I will always remember it with eyes closed magnificent scene, they make this beautiful evening, they are my role models.
Talking about Olympic tournament, I like to watch swimming and badminton, not only because they are my strengths, but also because it is from my life recently. I think a lot of hard work before I learn to swim, and those athletes who want to swim in just a few minutes of time travel a few hundred meters away, to arrive at an early age do not know how much ordinary people's hard to imagine, how many running hard sweat . The story behind the gold medal, we may never be countless. But we will not forget their names.
Now I was most excited and looking forward to the forthcoming 2008 in the capital of China - Beijing, held for the 29th Games. I have already marked the Olympic flag and the design attached to the wall. I firmly believe that it would be the people of the world's most memorable gathering, a green and beautiful, traditional culture and the principles of equality and fraternity event, the first Olympics to bring the term more far-reaching event. I want to study hard this goal, the study of history, English and cultural customs, the future for the Beijing Olympics, the whole world to see a warm, civilized, beautiful, sophisticated China.
I love the Olympics and I look forward to the Olympics!
Today, when the Olympic flame rising, the people of the world's attention once again the ensuing attention Athens. We can not help but recall the history of 100 years ago King Zhuang. After 100 years the people of the world have come together again in this ancient culture and the magic power of the land. This is the friendship and the beginning of peace, it is fair, just and competitive movement of origin.
It then 100 years, this great movement of the source in the hearts of people around the world drive. Olympic flame lit in the past are accompanied by an atmosphere of solidarity and affection. Highlights of the dazzling opening ceremony, the tension of the moment decision, soul-stirring scene of the game, the scale of the Olympic tournament, and that sweet green exotic scenery, the hospitality of the people around, making the term Olympics as the world's attention all people, love the point of intersection.
I was more obsessed with gold and brought the shining light of the lofty honor. I sincerely to the motherland and the people who brought all this glorious honor of the athletes they proud of, even more deeply for those who pay a lot of hard sweat and failed to medal winners were regrettable. Although there is only one gold medal, but they are all heroes in my heart. As the opening ceremony of the Athens scene. The main lights go out, the seat between the fluorescent lamp as bright as the stars, the symbol of our Olympic athletes such as Focus on the stars of the Athens Olympics. I will always remember it with eyes closed magnificent scene, they make this beautiful evening, they are my role models.
Talking about Olympic tournament, I like to watch swimming and badminton, not only because they are my strengths, but also because it is from my life recently. I think a lot of hard work before I learn to swim, and those athletes who want to swim in just a few minutes of time travel a few hundred meters away, to arrive at an early age do not know how much ordinary people's hard to imagine, how many running hard sweat . The story behind the gold medal, we may never be countless. But we will not forget their names.
Now I was most excited and looking forward to the forthcoming 2008 in the capital of China - Beijing, held for the 29th Games. I have already marked the Olympic flag and the design attached to the wall. I firmly believe that it would be the people of the world's most memorable gathering, a green and beautiful, traditional culture and the principles of equality and fraternity event, the first Olympics to bring the term more far-reaching event. I want to study hard this goal, the study of history, English and cultural customs, the future for the Beijing Olympics, the whole world to see a warm, civilized, beautiful, sophisticated China.
I love the Olympics and I look forward to the Olympics!
What is the Olympics? In my eyes, it is not a smoke of the battlefield. The war between the human and the nature of its purpose, does not lie in the massacre, but the enemy so that the yield, which, in the Olympic Games can be fully realized. Human animals as a senior, already has a collaboration with the militant dual attributes, or else the world would not have so much of the war. I hope to become Olympic competition with the ultimate Victory on the battlefield, because the real bloody war to extinction.
Olympic human physical Expo. Dolphins like the Olympic Games have so many beautiful strokes; like Cheetah, fast sprint 100 meters; like eagles, gymnastics, diving aimed at the sky. The fly in the ointment is that the greatest human potential --- invention, manufacture and use of the tool's ability to become a failed Olympic Games project.
Olympic is a stage show of strength, the will, skill and natural beauty, as well as the physical limits in order to win a few million viewers in mind of all ages. It was encouraged by the victory for the mistakes and regrets, but proud to participate. Each a medal, the weight of more than Oscar, the Golden Bear trophy.
Olympic is a microcosm of life. The lucky winner is, in the championship to the pyramid, how many unsung heroes and was struggling to climb; champion will be short-lived, the champion today, tomorrow may Mingluosunshan; title is relative, a champion of the project, in other ways very There may be imbecile; champion is the glory, but his singing the national anthem, tears, think of the future is not
How brilliant, but recall the years of injuries and hard training; champion is valuable, in his body, with the number of perseverance, self-challenge, the spirit of Yongpangaofeng.
Olympic Council of St. mankind. In addition to its human society which can be enjoyed in such a fair, detailed and, to celebrate the atmosphere! I wish the Olympic spirit world Yong Zhu, to bring peace to the world, bringing joy, bring prosperity and hope 84 would like to help you!
