that policeman has been poking in again

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 04:20:33

that policeman has been poking in again
that policeman has been poking in again

that policeman has been poking in again

that policeman has been poking in again The policeman stopped the driver and found that he( )alcoholA drinks B has drunk C really D naturally怎么做, The quarrel has reached a point ()the policeman will have to be called inA,which B where C that D when where。为什么选B, 初三英语被动语态:The thief ___ stole a girl's mobile phone on a bus ___ by a policeman just now.A who;was caught B that;has been caught C who;caught D that;had been caught It is said that the new teacher was once a policeman.Yes.He_____a policeman for 6 yearsbefore,he_____a PE teacher two years ago.A.had been;became B.hasbeen;became C.has been;becomes D.was;had become选项和理由顺便告诉我过去完成时和现 It is said that the new teacher was once a policeman.Yes.He_____a policeman for 6 yearsbefore,he_____a PE teacher two years ago.A.had been;became B.hasbeen;became C.has been;becomes D.was;had become选项和理由顺便告诉我过去完成时和现 The policeman asked____ l had lost my liceThe policeman asked____ l had lost my license.A that.B where.C what.D/ 1.____China that was sunk deep in feudalism has been replaced by ______China that is building socialismA.The ; the B./ ; / C.The ; a D.A ; the2.The policeman caught the thief by ______ arm.A.a C.the D./ policeman That's a bit hard on policeman. 将下列句子改为复数形式He is a policeman.He has a good friend.what is that?This is a tomato. The policeman has questioned all the people ---------- the robbery.A.relating to B.related to C.connected with---------on the earth that the stars have changed their positions.A.It appears to the scientists B.The scientists appears to beC.It looks to Is that ____uniform for the policeman?a.a c.the d./ 我觉得选c是特指诶 the man living in that house is known _____ a policeman A.with B.for to be a policeman is () I never wanted to be A all B that c only The policeman never fails to help (_) that is inThe policeman never fails to help (_) that is in need of his help A.whoever B .anyone Policeman think that where there is a violence,drugs with damaging effects on kids are always ___ it.A.beyond B.behind C.before D.besidesAll her spare time spent doing the housework,she seldom,___,has th tim to go to the cinema.A.if so Is that ____uniform for the policeman?a.a c.the d./ 我觉得a和d都对.可是想想看啊,b和c是错的,(老师说的)a的话陈述句就是that is a uniform for the policeman。d是that uniform is for the policeman那不就是a和c