remove是什么意思 啊如题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 10:52:10

remove是什么意思 啊如题
remove是什么意思 啊如题

remove是什么意思 啊如题
及物动词,搬开;调动[(+from/to)] Students removed several desks to another classroom.学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室.She removed the painting to another wall.她把画搬到另一面墙上.2.脱掉;去掉,消除[(+from)] She saw he had removed his glasses.她看到他摘下了他的眼镜.3.使离去;把...免职;撤去[(+from)] He was removed from the post.他被解雇了.The corrupt official was removed from office.这个贪官被罢了职.4.【婉】杀死,杀害 5.【律】移交(案件) 不及物动词 vi.1.迁移,搬家[(+from/to)] The manager's office has removed to another building.经理的办公室已搬到另外一幢大楼里.2.【书】离开 名词 n.[C] 1.距离,间隔;一步之差[(+from)] Your action seems several removes from reality.你的行动似乎有些脱离实际;迁移,搬家 3.【主英】英国学校中学校升级前被安排的班级;升级[the S] 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 remove 1.脱去,迁移,开除 英语单词词根词典(二) remove 脱去,迁移,开除 http://www.englishwin,搬开;脱掉 联想记忆词汇(Q,R ) - CET4 ...remove,搬开;脱掉 http://www.kaoyansky .3.消除 数学专业英语词汇(R) | 英语迷 remove 消除 ...

楼上正解 remove=移除