
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 21:21:01


一楼的同学好是好,但是稍微多了一点点,三楼的同学也可以,区分的比较细.我的版本是自己写的,切入点是美国整体的中学教育.我第二学位修的才是英语,本科的时候上过一些英美概况的课 大致是这样,你权当做个参考.
American middle school system is consisted of middle school and high school.The main courses often are :English learning (involve English writing、English literature、American literature etc) which the students should learn for four years .History (involve world history 、American history and European history) mathematic and learning a foreign language are also required.All of these should be learned for three years.Art and music lesson is varying from school to school which are set for developing the interest of the students.
Nearly all the students from high school could enter the college,if they want ;meanwhile the students are often taken a test called SAT which just like the college entrance examination in china but is nonetheless less competitive comparing with our Chinese one.
The combination of the diversity and specialization of the courses as well as the emphasis on the respect of the students' personality and on the development of students' unique talent potential are main characteristics of the American middle school system,which could be used for reference of the development of our Chinese middle school education .
我里面有些句子写的比较长,但是对于你来说的话应该不算太难理解,我是学英国文学的,写的东西不知道合不合你意,但希望能够对你有所帮组,以后有时间我们再交流.ANYWAY GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND!

Secondary education in the United States
As part of education in the United States, secondary education usually covers grades 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 through 12.
Junior and senior high school


Secondary education in the United States
As part of education in the United States, secondary education usually covers grades 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 through 12.
Junior and senior high school
Middle school and Junior high school are any school intermediate between elementary school and senior high school. It usually includes sixth, seventh and eighth grade; for "Junior high", ninth grade. Middle school is often used instead of junior high school when demographic factors increase the number of younger students. At this time, students are given more independence as choosing their own classes. Usually, starting in ninth grade, grades become part of a student’s official transcript. Future employers or colleges may want to see steady improvement in grades and a good attendance record on the official transcript. Therefore, students are encouraged to take much more responsibility for their education.
Senior high school is a school attended after junior high school. High school is often used instead of senior high school and distinguished from junior high school.
Basic curricular structure
Generally, at the high school level, students take a broad variety of classes without special emphasis in any particular subject. Curricula vary widely in quality and rigidity; for example, some states consider 65 (on a 100-point scale) a passing grade, while others consider it to be as low as 60 or as high as 75.
The following subjects are fairly universally required in the United States:
Science (usually two years minimum, normally biology, chemistry and physics)
Mathematics (usually two years minimum, normally including algebra, geometry, algebra II, and/or precalculus/trigonometry)
English (usually four years minimum, including literature, humanities, etc)
Social Science (usually three years minimum, including various history, government/economics courses)
Physical education (at least one year)
Many states require a "health" course in which students learn about anatomy, nutrition, first aid, sexuality, and birth control. Anti-drug use programs are also usually part of health courses. In many cases, however, options are provided for students to "test out" or complete independent study to meet this requirement. Foreign language and some form of art education are also a mandatory part of the curriculum in some schools.
Many high schools offer a wide variety of Elective courses, although the availability of such courses depends upon each particular school's financial resources and desired curriculum emphases.
Common types of electives include:
Visual arts (drawing, sculpture, painting, photography, film)
Performing arts (drama, band, chorus, orchestra, dance)
Technology education ("Shop"; woodworking, metalworking, automobile repair, robotics)
Computers (word processing, programming, graphic design)
Athletics (cross country, football, baseball, basketball, track and field, swimming, tennis, gymnastics, water polo, soccer, wrestling, cheerleading, Volleyball, lacrosse, ice hockey, field hockey, boxing, skiing/snowboarding)
Publishing (journalism/student newspaper, yearbook/annual, literary magazine)
Foreign languages (Spanish, French are common; Chinese, Latin, Greek, German, Italian, Arabic, and Japanese are less common)
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Advanced courses
Many high schools provide Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. These are special forms of honors classes where the curriculum is more challenging and lessons more aggressively paced than standard courses. AP or IB courses are usually taken during the 11th or 12th grade of high school.
Most post-secondary institutions take AP or IB exam results into consideration in the admissions process. Because AP and IB courses are intended to be the equivalent of the first year of college courses, post-secondary institutions may grant unit credit, which enables students to graduate early. Other institutions use examinations for placement purposes only: students are exempted from introductory course work but may not receive credit towards a concentration, degree, or core requirement. Institutions vary in the selection of examinations they accept and the scores they require to grant credit or placement, with more elite institutions tending to accept fewer examinations and requiring higher scoring. The lack of AP, IB, and other advanced courses in impoverished inner-city high schools is often seen as a major cause of the greatly differing levels of post-secondary education these graduates go on to receive, compared with both public and private schools in wealthier neighborhoods.
Also, in states with well-developed community college systems, there are often mechanisms by which gifted students may seek permission from their school district to attend community college courses full-time during the summer, and part-time during the school year. The units earned this way can often be transferred to one's university, and can facilitate early graduation. Early college entrance programs are a step further, with students enrolling as freshmen at a younger-than-traditional age.


Junior and senior high school
Middle school and Junior high school are any school intermediate between elementary school and senior high school. It usually includes sixth, seventh and eighth grade...


Junior and senior high school
Middle school and Junior high school are any school intermediate between elementary school and senior high school. It usually includes sixth, seventh and eighth grade; for "Junior high", ninth grade. Middle school is often used instead of junior high school when demographic factors increase the number of younger students.[22] At this time, students are given more independence as choosing their own classes. Usually, starting in ninth grade, grades become part of a student’s official transcript. Future employers or colleges may want to see steady improvement in grades and a good attendance record on the official transcript. Therefore, students are encouraged to take much more responsibility for their education.[citation needed]
Senior high school is a school attended after junior high school. High school is often used instead of senior high school and distinguished from junior high school.
Junior high schools were created for the purpose of "bridging the gap between the elementary and the high school," a concept credited to Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard University.[15] The faculty is organized into academic departments that operate more or less independently of one another. The middle school movement in the United States saw this model as inadequately addressing the intended purpose of transition by maintaining an emphasis on the high school model, as reflected in the "junior high" designation.
The middle school concept often involves a group of two to eight teachers from different disciplines working as a team with the same group of students of the same grade level, with each teacher teaching a different subject. This format facilitates interdisciplinary units, where part or all of the entire team teaches on the same general topic from the perspective of different disciplines. The middle school philosophy also advocates assigning students in each team to a homeroom. By having homeroom daily for various discussions and activities, middle schools try to foster a sense of belonging in students to ease social and emotional difficulties during adolescence.[citation needed]
Middle school in North America carries with it associations of personal and emotional difficulty. Physical and hormonal changes that accompany adolescence are exacerbated by newfound self-consciousness, social pressures, and the desire for conformity and identity.[16][17][18]
[edit] Configurations
Middle school is often used instead of junior high school when demographic factors increase the number of younger students.[19] Whereas junior highs tend to only include grades 7 and 8, middle schools are usually grades 6, 7, and 8 (i.e. around ages 11–14), varying from area to area and also according to population vs. building capacity. Another common model includes grades 5–8. Alberta junior high schools (the term "middle school" is not commonly used) have included only grades 7 to 9 for at least fifty years, with the first year of high school traditionally being grade 10.
The middle school format has now replaced the junior high format by a ratio of about ten to one in the U.S. In Canada, the junior high concept is primarily seen in Western Canada, while middle schools to U.S.-standards are generally only seen in Ontario and parts of Atlantic Canada, where they are sometimes called senior elementary schools. Many people also call middle school "junior high school". Middle school does not exist at all in Quebec, where primary school comprises grades 1 to 6, secondary school comprises grades 7 to 11, and those latter are named "secondary 1" through "secondary 5".
In some Georgia schools around metro Atlanta, "intermediate school" refers to the latter half of elementary school. This usually includes grades 4-6, while the earlier grades are called "primary school". These are essentially elementary schools that have been functionally split, although they continue to use the same building and have the same name.


楼上的错了美国的中学和高中是分开的,sat考试是在高中时才有,还有act之类的。中学顶多是honor class.
America middle school is very important years just like elsewhere in China. In addition for those basic subjects stude...


楼上的错了美国的中学和高中是分开的,sat考试是在高中时才有,还有act之类的。中学顶多是honor class.
America middle school is very important years just like elsewhere in China. In addition for those basic subjects students need to take, they will also ask to take some honor classes if they want. The basic classes are math, science, english, p.e,history, and health. The additional classes may be vary from state to state, but the required class will keep the same all the time.
It's false that most people stereotype the American middle school is easy to pass. In fact it's not, many students in the middle schools like to challenge themself a lot in order to excel in middle school. Thus, they would take as many of honor class as they can. It's not a easy thing to handle a honor class, just like how the name "honor" sound likes, it's actually needs more hard works and times than other regular classes.
Teachers are basically having the same expectation for their students. In order to fulfill the expectations and to pass the class, the students should have turn in their homework in time, pass the test and quiz, care about one's attendant, and the very important one is the student must pass the final exams. But often times, the teachers give another chance if the student does fail the test(only for the regular test)
For conclusion, America middle school is not as restrict as high school, but it surely needs works and study.
