
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:32:54


it is believed that many people know the superstar Hu Ge, he is quite homours and interesting.
once he took part in a inteview,
the host asked him: what was your most afraid of thing and still the same now?
Hu Ge answered the question with kind of childish: there is no toilet for NO.1 and No.2.
then the host asked him once again: what the bad deed you did when you was young?
he answered with a kind of ashamed: to solve my No.1 or No.2 without the toilet.
every audience at site laughed.

Know a lot of people believe that all the big stars songs Hu. He is a very humorous, very interesting people.
Have him take part in an interview with a program,
Host asked him,Childhoodfears...


Know a lot of people believe that all the big stars songs Hu. He is a very humorous, very interesting people.
Have him take part in an interview with a program,
Host asked him,Childhoodfears are now afraid of what?
Hu said song is very childish. There is no place on the toilet.
Then, host askedChildhooddone what is evil?
Hu song a guilty conscience that there is no toilet in place on the toilet.
Audience laughter


相信很多人都认识胡歌这个大明星.他是一个很幽默,很有趣的人. Know a lot of people believe that all the big stars songs Hu. He is a very humorous, very interesting people.
有一次他参加一个采访节目, Have him take part in an interview with ...


相信很多人都认识胡歌这个大明星.他是一个很幽默,很有趣的人. Know a lot of people believe that all the big stars songs Hu. He is a very humorous, very interesting people.
有一次他参加一个采访节目, Have him take part in an interview with a program,
Host asked him,小时侯fears are now afraid of what?
胡歌很孩子气地说.没有地方上厕所. Hu said song is very childish. There is no place on the toilet.
接着,主持人又问,小时侯做过的坏事是什么? Then, host asked小时侯done what is evil?
胡歌心虚地说,在没有厕所的地方上厕所.Hu song a guilty conscience that there is no toilet in place on the toilet.
全场观众哈哈大笑Audience laughter


Know a lot of people believe that all the big stars songs Hu. He is a very humorous, very interesting people.
Have him take part in an interview with a program,
Host asked him,小时侯fears are n...


Know a lot of people believe that all the big stars songs Hu. He is a very humorous, very interesting people.
Have him take part in an interview with a program,
Host asked him,小时侯fears are now afraid of what?
Hu said song is very childish. There is no place on the toilet.
Then, host asked小时侯done what is evil?
Hu song a guilty conscience that there is no toilet in place on the toilet.
Audience laughter


英语翻译相信很多人都认识胡歌这个大明星.他是一个很幽默,很有趣的人.有一次他参加一个采访节目,主持人问他,小时侯最怕现在还怕的是什么?胡歌很孩子气地说.没有地方上厕所.接着,主持 认识 这个 词 怎么用 比较 合理? 用认识 造句 比如 我认识成龙 对吗?像成龙是 明星 很多人 知道他 可以说 认识他 吗? 英语翻译相信不理解的人很多,因为我周围的人都不解,请认真回答. 认识了很多同学,大家都很认真,用英语翻译 校园八卦作文相信很多人都在面对着这个作文题目你们对于这个题目的切入点是什么? 英语翻译`````“很多明星加入了电影拍摄” 为什么现在很多人不认识这个字?除了认识我的人,很多人都不知道这个字 是什么 一般的字典上都没有这个字 但是我查大字典时上面说 常用于人名~瓛 这个字 认识么? 这个节目造就了许多喜剧明星用英语怎么说就是很多明星都是从这个节目出身,之后都成名了,这个“造就”应该用什么英文 英语翻译很多台湾明星都用的Ko这个,我不太喜欢,而且这个可能是和台湾地区和我们发音不同所致,我现在用的是Co这个,读音很像,请问这个可以作为姓吗? 水是怎么循环的相信很多人都知道 请问2012年世界末日为什么很多人都相信? 英语翻译1.我认识她己经有4年了.2.她的样子看似很斯文,但其实是一个活泼好动的人.3.因为我们有很多共同兴趣,所以我们成为了好朋友.4.我和她一样都很喜欢娃娃.5.我相信我们永远都是好朋 英语翻译1.你不应该相信这个利用你的年幼无知而欺骗你的人(advantage,innocence)2.记住,总有一天你会为你今天说的话付出代价(pay for)3.在过去的十年中我认识了很多关心我,帮助我的好人( 英语翻译范,不管你是真的是假的.我都愿意相信你.因为我所相信的是范你这个人而已. 相信很多人都知道小朋友都喜欢看动画片,这句话如何译成英语,主要是“相信”如何说 最近很多明星都接受ALS冰桶挑战 这是什么意思 英语翻译很多时候,一个句子单词都认识 就是翻译不出来 羊胎素的作用有哪些?听说很多明星都用过羊胎素,不知道他到底有哪些作用,使用风险大么?