我的英语烂到不行啊~懂英语的大哥哥大姐姐们帮帮我啊~下面试题↓根据所给信息写五句以上的连贯的话语(不少于5句话,要有中文)Name Job(工作) How does she go to work?HobbyAmys mother teacher on fo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 00:28:45

我的英语烂到不行啊~懂英语的大哥哥大姐姐们帮帮我啊~下面试题↓根据所给信息写五句以上的连贯的话语(不少于5句话,要有中文)Name Job(工作) How does she go to work?HobbyAmys mother teacher on fo
Name Job(工作) How does she go to work?Hobby
Amys mother teacher on foot collecting stamps
Amys mother is a…

我的英语烂到不行啊~懂英语的大哥哥大姐姐们帮帮我啊~下面试题↓根据所给信息写五句以上的连贯的话语(不少于5句话,要有中文)Name Job(工作) How does she go to work?HobbyAmys mother teacher on fo
Amy's mother is a teacher.She teach in a school.The school is near her house,so she goes to work on foot.She likes collecting stamps in free time.She has many stamps from different countries.She put them in a stamp album,because if she doesn't put them in the stamp album,they will be broken.

可以写段介绍Amys mother的小短文,她的姓名,工作,出门交通方式,还有业余爱好

Anys mother is a teacher ,she name is Hobby .She is a collecting stamps . shego to werk and on foot .

Amys mother is a teacher. Her home is not far from her office.So she goes to work on foot.
She likes collecting stamps.Because she thinks it is fun.


Amy's mother is a teacher. She teach in a school. The school is near her house,so she goes to work on foot. She likes collecting stamps in free time. She has many stamps from different countries. She ...


Amy's mother is a teacher. She teach in a school. The school is near her house,so she goes to work on foot. She likes collecting stamps in free time. She has many stamps from different countries. She put them in a stamp album, because if she doesn't put them in the stamp album, they will be broken.
艾米的妈妈是个老师。 她在一所学校里教学。 学校离他家很近,所以她走着去工作。 她喜欢在休息时间里收集邮票。 她有很多来自不同国家的邮票。 她把邮票放进集邮册里,因为如果她不把邮票放进集邮册里,邮票就会损坏。


会英语的大哥哥姐姐们, 大哥哥大姐姐教我英语. 英语的,求大哥哥姐姐帮我 我的英语烂到不行啊~懂英语的大哥哥大姐姐们帮帮我啊~下面试题↓根据所给信息写五句以上的连贯的话语(不少于5句话,要有中文)Name Job(工作) How does she go to work?HobbyAmys mother teacher on fo 大哥哥大姐姐们.请帮我找找六年级的英语短文. 大哥哥大姐姐教教我怎么做英语. 我应该怎样才能提高我的英语成绩?拜托大哥哥姐姐们了 如何简单快速的掌握英语语法问题?虽然我还是一个英语学得不错的人,但语法不行,那位善良的大姐姐大哥哥肯帮帮我,如果好,我会给追分的 初二下英语6 7单元复习如题,各位大哥哥和大姐姐速度啊! 我在线等~~~我要的是重点~~~ 六道填空题会英语的大哥哥大姐姐们, 描写父母外貌的英语作文 求大哥哥大姐姐啦 哪位大哥哥或大姐姐告诉我这一句英语的意思 There were lots of people . 用英语描写春天的(小学水平)各位大哥哥大姐姐 7大洲的英语分别是什么1分钟回答好,谢谢大哥哥大姐姐 啊啊啊. 英语题目帮个忙啊啊各位大哥哥大姐姐啊啊- . 写出下名词的复数形式'ciass ___horse___city__child____tomato_____toy____story___wife___foot___box___watch___policeman____ 请问现在除了英语什么外语最吃香啊?请好心的大哥哥大姐姐帮帮我拉!我想再学一门外语这样以后会好找工作! 大哥哥 大姐姐们咋做的? 大哥哥大姐姐啊,帮帮忙吧!初一的数学!