1.The lecture began by __________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.A.telling,talking B.to tell,to talk C.telling,to talk D.he told,talking2.The secretary worked late into the night,__________ a long speech for the pres

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 02:50:40

1.The lecture began by __________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.A.telling,talking B.to tell,to talk C.telling,to talk D.he told,talking2.The secretary worked late into the night,__________ a long speech for the pres
1.The lecture began by __________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.
A.telling,talking B.to tell,to talk
C.telling,to talk D.he told,talking
2.The secretary worked late into the night,__________ a long speech for the president.
A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing
第二题为何不选a?to do放在句首不是可以表目的吗?

1.The lecture began by __________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.A.telling,talking B.to tell,to talk C.telling,to talk D.he told,talking2.The secretary worked late into the night,__________ a long speech for the pres
by是介词 介词后接动词ing格式 go on to do sth是继续做一件与之前所做的不同的事 go on doing sth才是继续之前做的那件事 而题目中前面是介绍这个岛在哪儿 后面是岛的历史 显然不同
动词ing/ 现在分词做伴随状语 表示两件事情同时进行
不用to do是因为那个逗号 去掉逗号用to do则没有问题了 表示熬夜的目的 虽然句子语义有点僵硬 但是语法上是没有错误的 只有不定式置于句首的时候,它的后面要逗号

1by 在这里是介词,后面加V Ing。动词不定式表示目的

by后有没有逗号啊?这里的telling us。。。was是对这个讲座的内容说明,根据后面的go on 你可以知道讲座之前就开始了,既然开始了何必再用to do表示目的(是为了告诉。。)因为我们已经知道了。go on 有两种搭配doing或者todo todo表示要去做 doing是继续手头上正在进行的
2 这里是作状语 我们老师说过 如果一段过去的时某人一直在进行某件事 不一定用一般过去...


by后有没有逗号啊?这里的telling us。。。was是对这个讲座的内容说明,根据后面的go on 你可以知道讲座之前就开始了,既然开始了何必再用to do表示目的(是为了告诉。。)因为我们已经知道了。go on 有两种搭配doing或者todo todo表示要去做 doing是继续手头上正在进行的
2 这里是作状语 我们老师说过 如果一段过去的时某人一直在进行某件事 不一定用一般过去式 而是过去进行时 描述它的状态~这是一个状态 而且主句是过去式 那么to do又不用了
同学切忌你的问题 to do表示目的 但要根据环境和时态判断到底有没有发生是否已经知道


1.C。telling, to talk为正确选项。
介词by之后自然要用动名词;go on to do 是表示接着做另一件事(与原来做的不同),而go on doing 是接着做原来做的事(原来的事没做完,接着做0。
2.B. preparing为正确选项。


1.C。telling, to talk为正确选项。
介词by之后自然要用动名词;go on to do 是表示接着做另一件事(与原来做的不同),而go on doing 是接着做原来做的事(原来的事没做完,接着做0。
2.B. preparing为正确选项。


1.by 后接动名词tell
went on (to do sth.)意思是接着做什么事
2.preparing 现在分词引导的从句表原因

march into the lecture THE LAST LECTURE怎么样 1.The lecture began by __________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.A.telling,talking B.to tell,to talk C.telling,to talk D.he told,talking2.The secretary worked late into the night,__________ a long speech for the pres 求翻译 give the lecture lecture lecture 英语sit seat 的区别1.when all the students were seated he began his lecture.为什么were seated 不能改为sat ?2.It's none of your business how much I weigh who's that girl you were with ?这句话是什么意思啊,然后how much i weigh sit 和seated 的区别when all the students ________,the professor began his lecture.A.sat.B.were seated.C.seated D were sitting选b为何不选d?请各路高手赐教 The lecture began by _________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.选项:a、telling,talkingb、to tell,to talkc、telling,to talkd、he told,talking 懂英语语法的进.(After we have sat down),the lecture began.括号中有什么语法错误么?(我知道有...)我看了答案是(after we took our seats)这是什么语法? When all those present___he began his lecture.A.sit B.set C.seated D.were seated When all those present were seated he began his lecture 翻译 When all those present ___he began his lecture A,sit B set C seated Dwere seated 单选题 1.– The lecture given by professor Smith was r速回哈 what the story began为什么不用how the story began please watching the lecture和please watch the lecture哪个语法正确? The lecture is very intereting可不可以说成the lecture is very interet.为什么? 参加讲座join the lecture 还是enter the lecture 哪个对