
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:31:38


Our clothes store sell many different kinds of clothes.A pair of pants is nine dollars.The price of T-shirts is also nine dollars.There are many colours such as red,organge,green,blue and yellow.A black hat is six dollars.A green sweater is nine dollars.A pair of white shoes is five dollars.A red big is four dollars.A yellow skirt is seven dollars.(68字)

I go to the supermarket to buy clothes.The prices of the trousers are 9 yuan.
The price of the shirt is 9 yuan.The price of the hat is 6 yuan.The price of the sweater is 9 yuanThe prices of the sh...


I go to the supermarket to buy clothes.The prices of the trousers are 9 yuan.
The price of the shirt is 9 yuan.The price of the hat is 6 yuan.The price of the sweater is 9 yuanThe prices of the shoes are 5 yuan.The price of the bag is 4 yuan.
The price of the dress is 7 yuan.
And they also colourful.


There are so many beautiful and cheap clothes ! Come here and choose whitch you like freely.The price of the trousers is 9 and so is the skirts and sweaters.Our shoes is cheaper than the others.It's 5...


There are so many beautiful and cheap clothes ! Come here and choose whitch you like freely.The price of the trousers is 9 and so is the skirts and sweaters.Our shoes is cheaper than the others.It's 5 yuan.Otherwise,we have many dresses whose style is the most fashion and graceful,It
costs 7 yuan.But the cheapest is bags,it's only 4 yuan.
Welcome to our shop and you'll find the right one just for you.Looking forward to your coming!


写一篇英语作文!裤子的价格是9元.衬衫的价格是9元.帽子6元,毛衣9元,鞋子5元,包4元,裙子7元.颜色随便!能不能马上就好!60词以上 某店昨天卖出4件衬衫和5件裤子共510元今天又以相同的价格卖出6件衬衫和8条裤子共800元.若设每件衬衫x元,每条裤子y元,则每件衬衫的价格为元,每件裤子的价格为元 一套衣服共350元.上衣的价格是裤子价格的180%.上衣裤子的价格分别是多少?要写单位一还要写方程的过程 一套运动服的价格是1440元,其中裤子的价格是上衣的9分之7,裤子的价格是多少,解方程 裤子80元上衣比裤子贵20元,裤子的价格是上衣的百分之几列式 “银虎牌西装每套价格是800元,裤子的价格相当于上衣的5分之3.上衣与裤子各是几元?请把式子和过程写出来, 夹克衫、裙子、衬衫、鞋子、长裤子,的英语单词怎么写 一件上衣和一条裤子的价格相差60元,裤子的价格是上衣的百分之七十,上衣和裤子的价格各是多少元? 一件上衣和一条裤子的价格相差60元,裤子的价格是上衣的70%上衣和裤子的价格各多少元? 一件上衣和一条裤子的价格相差60元,裤子的价格是上衣的10分之7.上衣和裤子的价格各是多少元? 衬衫的英语是? 一套衣服320元,裤子的价格是上衣的3/1.上衣和裤子的价格各是多少元? 一套西服560元,裤子的价格是上衣价格的3/4,上衣几元?裤子几原? 数学应用题,麻烦写过程一套西装160元,其中裤子的价格是上衣的3/5.上衣和裤子的价钱各是多少元? ··数学应用题!高手帮我啊!速度!要求写算式哦!一套西装,裤子的价格和上衣的价格比是4:6,上衣比裤子贵50元,上衣和裤子的价格各是多少元? 一件毛衣的价格是a元,一件衬衫的价格比它便宜b元,衬衫的价格是()元 一套运动服售价240元,其中裤子价格是上衣价格的60%,上衣价格是几元 上衣比裤子多80元,上衣的价格是裤子的3倍,求裤子的价格和上衣的价格不要设X的