
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:23:22


The spring-like pretty smile is alway on your delicate face.In your twinkling eyes,i can always find peace.Your passion,sensitivity and intelligence will make beauty Xi Shi ashamed and drown herself if she were alive.Even if Zhao Jun came back to life,she would lose her confidence and leave the country as well.

I sense the fragrance of spring in that delicate face of yours, and within that wandering eyes of yours, I may always capture a scent of peace. Passion, sensitivity and wisdom are all on you. If Xi Si...


I sense the fragrance of spring in that delicate face of yours, and within that wandering eyes of yours, I may always capture a scent of peace. Passion, sensitivity and wisdom are all on you. If Xi Si were ever to be born again, should she show the deepest shame and have not the courage to stand before us, but to end her live by drowning into the river. If Zhao Jun were to come back to life, her glory would also fade away the moment she stood in front of you, leaving only a sigh to assure her failure. Alas, she would have no choice but to set off far away to the northwest, and never to be back again.


英语翻译你清丽秀雅的脸上始终荡漾着春天般美丽的笑容,在你那流转顾盼的眼睛里,我总能捕捉到你的宁静,你的热烈,你的敏感,你的聪颖.倘若西子再世,见到你她也会自惭形秽,无颜见人,唯有 改比喻句:她布满皱纹的脸上荡漾着慈祥的笑容.快速回答! 英语翻译在碧波荡漾的湖水中,一群白天鹅正在翩翩起舞.它们沐浴着春天的阳光,享受着春的气息,正在各抒己见,诉说着冬天的遭遇.你肯定会指着其中一只最年轻,最美丽的天鹅赞叹不绝.可你 英语翻译 我是一个友善的人,你经常能看到我的脸上挂着微笑 荡漾在春天里的美丽英文咋翻译啊 英语翻译你始终占据我的心英文翻译. 桃红柳绿、碧波荡漾的春天总能激起人们的诗情.请写出你所积累的吟咏春水的连续的两句古诗:( ,.) 春天的雨最柔和,拂拭在脸上,就像妈妈轻轻吻过你的脸 春天的雨最柔和,拂拭在脸上,就像妈妈轻轻吻过你的脸.(赏析) 英语翻译海平面远方开始阴霾悲伤要怎么平静纯白我的脸上始终挟带一抹浅浅的无奈你用唇语说你要离开那难过无声慢了下来汹涌潮水你听明白不是浪而是泪海转身离开分手说不出来女:你有 每个人的脸上都洋溢着笑容. 英语翻译.要人工 春天的风像什么吹在脸上 春天的风像什么吹在脸上真舒服? 春天的风像什么吹在脸上很舒服 看到太阳这两个字,你能感触到热和力,而望见月亮,眼前却又闪着清丽的光辉 仿写句子 看到“太阳”这两个字,你能感受到热和力,而望见月亮,眼前却又闪着清丽的光辉 (仿写句子) 看到太阳这两个字,你能感触到热和力,而望见月亮,眼前却又闪着清丽的光辉 看到川流不息.还有红红火火芳草如烟呢? 桃园荡漾着孩子们的笑声