l,m alway with english .maybe l,m busy for my training with playing tragon and laAerobics lately .sometimes l found myself being short of things .what is it previous,l,ve experienced great stress in my study and work .l,ve tried evey means to adjust

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:50:43

l,m alway with english .maybe l,m busy for my training with playing tragon and laAerobics lately .sometimes l found myself being short of things .what is it previous,l,ve experienced great stress in my study and work .l,ve tried evey means to adjust
l,m alway with english .
maybe l,m busy for my training with playing tragon and laAerobics lately .sometimes l found myself being short of things .what is it previous,l,ve experienced great stress in my study and work .l,ve tried evey means to adjust and relieve stress.finally find a way out in my leisure time ,it's the best way to invite my real life friends to go for a walk and talk about respective daily life .l want to do thing is to share happy with my friends ,especially ,hoping can release the emotion of lousy to them after l went through difficult in recent life.l felt becoming more and more poor about my english .studying really english for three months .no matter how lousy the weather would be l,ve kept on practicing it in a nice park .for the past freshman year ,l have change my mind for learing english so many times ,l have alway wanted to open up a shortcut of approch to success.finally l knew there is no shortcut to success in everything .l obviously remember that day which l said to myself :"l must determine to learn english ,if l can conquer it that l believe l can overcome everything else ,l shoudn.t hesitate for a second .time is gloden for me ,l must cherish every day in my colleage year .giving my full attention what are you doing.studying english was the best decision without ma patents authority so far .through english l have made some foreige friends and l can learn the huge aspect of the knowleage from talking with them .they will tell me many things about their custom .daily life in their nation .it,s the most important of a point to get to learn beneficial things.for example culture ,outlook on life ,protect Environment and so on.there are many advantage if l can learn well english .
so l'll continue on persisting it untill forever

l,m alway with english .maybe l,m busy for my training with playing tragon and laAerobics lately .sometimes l found myself being short of things .what is it previous,l,ve experienced great stress in my study and work .l,ve tried evey means to adjust

也许升,男忙于为我的训练与比赛tragon和laAerobics最近。有时升发现自己被短期的事情。这是什么?以前, L时,遇到了很大的压力维生素E在我的学习和工作。升,维生素E尝试evey手段调整和减轻stress.finally找到一条出路在我的休闲时间,它的最佳方法是邀请我的现实生活中的朋友去散步,谈论各自的生活。升想要做的事情是,分享快乐与我的朋友,尤其是,希望能释放情绪的糟糕后升向他们经历...


也许升,男忙于为我的训练与比赛tragon和laAerobics最近。有时升发现自己被短期的事情。这是什么?以前, L时,遇到了很大的压力维生素E在我的学习和工作。升,维生素E尝试evey手段调整和减轻stress.finally找到一条出路在我的休闲时间,它的最佳方法是邀请我的现实生活中的朋友去散步,谈论各自的生活。升想要做的事情是,分享快乐与我的朋友,尤其是,希望能释放情绪的糟糕后升向他们经历了困难,最近的生活。升感觉越来越差约我的英语水平。英语学习真正为三个月。无论多么糟糕的天气将升,味不断实践在一个不错的公园。在过去的年级,升已改变了主意的学习英语,使很多次,升了永远要开辟一条捷径的approch以success.finally升知道没有捷径,成功的一切。升显然还记得那一天是升对自己说: “升必须确定学习英语如果升能征服它的升升相信可以克服一切,升shoudn.t犹豫第二。时间是金对我来说,升要珍惜每一天,我colleage一年。给予我的充分注意你有什么doing.studying英语是最好的决定,马专利管理局迄今。通过英文升已经取得了一些朋友和L foreige可以学习的巨大方面的知识与他们交谈。他们会告诉我很多东西对他们的习俗。日常生活中他们的国家。它氏最重要的点去学习有益things.for例如文化,人生观,保护环境等on.there有许多优势,如果升可以学习以及英语。

