概率的一道Two cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck,find the probability that the second is diamond,given that the first is a diamond.排列组合的一道How many 4 card hands are possible with a 26-card deck?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 10:58:43

概率的一道Two cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck,find the probability that the second is diamond,given that the first is a diamond.排列组合的一道How many 4 card hands are possible with a 26-card deck?
Two cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck,find the probability that the second is diamond,given that the first is a diamond.
How many 4 card hands are possible with a 26-card deck?

概率的一道Two cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck,find the probability that the second is diamond,given that the first is a diamond.排列组合的一道How many 4 card hands are possible with a 26-card deck?
从一副普通的扑克牌中 不放回的抽取两张牌,一直第一张是方块,求第二张是方块的概率.
26张牌的一副扑克中 4张牌的可能组合有多少种?



第二题,不知道怎么翻译, 26张纸牌里抽4张有几种抽法?


概率的一道Two cards are drawn without replacement from an ordinary deck,find the probability that the second is diamond,given that the first is a diamond.排列组合的一道How many 4 card hands are possible with a 26-card deck? SAT一道组合概率题求解答There are five cards marked 1,2,3,4,5 in a box. If the sum of two cards which are taken from those cards randomly (no replacement) is even. What is the probability that these two cards are both odd?A 1/4 B 3/4 英语数学概率题Two cards are drawn simultaneously from a standard pack of 52 playing cards.Use a tree diagram to find the probablity that:(A)Both are hearts.(B)Just one is a heart 英语句子辨析 急.I received two cards .They are all great.I have received two cards.They are all great.为什么第一句是错的,第二句是对的? Are they playing cards No ,they are playing _________.急对 cards 提问不是对 cards 提问,是写出 cards 一类的词 Are these cards?NO,they aren't cardsAre these( ) cards?NO,they aren't( )cards.A your,your B your,my C my,my D mine,your 一道概率的题目 一道概率的题, 54 playing cards can be represented with() A.2 bits B.4 bits C.5 bits D.6 bits计算机科学导论的一道题, children are these piaying cards 一道用英语表达的数学应用题!jaspar has 37 baseball cards.if he gets 11 more cards,he will have exactly half as many cards as his friends,tom .how many cards does tom have? 一道英语数量词的题————classes are Math and English.A.The first two B.The two firstD.Two the first D.First two the他解说序数词放基数词前面 但是太敷衍了 有没有合理的解释呢? 10.I have done much of the work.Could you please finish ____in two days?A.the rest B.the other C.another D.the others答案选什么,为什么4.There are many people in the park,some are playing cards,some are dancing,and ____are taking a walk in She can make two cards.对two怎么提问?马上. 一道算概率的题, 一道条件概率的题 cards的意思 一道英语转换句型题The two women are talking now.(要求改为一般疑问句)答案写的是:Are the two women talking 为什么不是:Are the two women talking now