求Foster The People的helena beat歌的翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:16:26

求Foster The People的helena beat歌的翻译
求Foster The People的helena beat歌的翻译

求Foster The People的helena beat歌的翻译
Helena Beat 海伦 战胜它
Sometimes life it takes you by the hair
Pulls you down
Before you know it,it's gone and you're dead again
在你察觉之前 机会又离你而去 留下死气沉沉的你
I've been in places and I won't pretend
我也曾经深陷其困 对此我不会佯装镇定自若
Yeah I'd make it out just to fall on my head
是的 我成功的摆脱了困境恢复了正常的生活
Wake up strange and take the walk downstairs
从梦中惊起 走下楼梯
Hit the pawn up on the corner and pay for my rent
You know that I could not believe my own truth
Just show them what I choose,got nothing to lose
我只是想告诉你们我的经历 毕竟那也没有什么了不起
Yeah yeah and it's ok
是 是 这很好
I tie my hands up to a chair so I don't fall that way
我将双手反绑在椅子后面 这样我就不会再重蹈覆辙
Yeah yeah and I'm alright
对 对 我很好
I took a sip of something poison but I'll hold on tight
我喝了一点点毒药 但是我是不会上瘾的
You know those days when you want to just choose
To not get out of bed,you're lost in your head again
不能继续消沉下去 否则会再次陷入困境的
You play the game but you kind of cut
而你却依然执迷不悟 其实你已经无法自拔
'Cause you're coming down hard and your joints are all stuck
因为你的生活又再次陷入了窘境 寸步难行
I've tried to say that it's not the only way
I never knew if I could face myself to change
但面对我自己的处境 我也不知能否洗心革面
You were pacing,I was insecure
可是你讳疾忌医的样子 让我很不放心
Silp and fall,I'm dodging calls,hug the prison I've been living in
犯了错误 受了挫折 我们就自暴自弃 我们就是这样沉沦在牢笼里
这首歌的意思不好翻译 很难理解 我费了些时间 如果还有什么翻译可以发邮件 522877945@qq.com

Helena Beat
Sometimes life it takes you by the hair
Pulls you down
Before you know it, it's gone and you're dead again
I've bee...


Helena Beat
Sometimes life it takes you by the hair
Pulls you down
Before you know it, it's gone and you're dead again
I've been in places and I won't pretend
Yeah I'd make it out just to fall on my head
Wake up strange and take the walk downstairs
Hit the pawn up on the corner and pay for my rent
You know that I could not believe my own truth
Just show them what I choose, got nothing to lose
Yeah yeah and it's ok
耶 耶 没关系
I tie my hands up to a chair so I don't fall that way
Yeah yeah and I'm alright
耶 耶 我很好
I took a sip of something poison but I'll hold on tight
我喝下了毒药 却依旧坚持
You know those days when you want to just choose
To not get out of bed, you're lost in your head again
你选择了赖在床上 于是又开始浑浑噩噩
You play the game but you kind of cut
你继续这样生活着 (但已经无济于事)
'Cause you're coming down hard and your joints are all stuck
因为你再次被生活抛入深渊 粉身碎骨
I've tried to say that it's not the only way
I never knew if I could face myself to change
You were pacing, I was insecure
你在艰难前行 我已无依无靠
Silp and fall, I'm dodging calls, hug the prison I've been living in
时而跌倒 时而躲避 紧紧抓住我那居住的牢笼
