
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 15:03:16


Xinliyuan Hotel was built according to the Four-Star hotel Level,it is also a touring and foreign commercial hotel.Xinliyuan hotel located on No.141 Hongxin road of Heyuan City .Welcome to our hotel,we will offer you our best service.

The new Liyuan hotel build according to the four-star standard is a business hotel concerning foreign affairs of the travel , and it lies in the Hongxing road No. 141 of Heyuan city. We welcome the people from all walks of life with good service .
Telephone NO. : 8888888

The NEW LIYUAN source hotel is to press four star class standards to build of, the tour concerns foreign affairs the business cabaret, the cabaret locates the source of river City popular actor road...


The NEW LIYUAN source hotel is to press four star class standards to build of, the tour concerns foreign affairs the business cabaret, the cabaret locates the source of river City popular actor road No.141.We will serve with the superior quality, welcoming the people of different walks of life to come.
Cabaret switchboard:8888888


xin li yuan is a big hotel that have the function
of travel and business foreign affairs,which is built according to four stars standard.it is suited in 141 number,hongxing road,heyuan shi.we will provide high quality service,welcome all kinds of people to visit us.
hotel reception:8888888

Help to translate a words for 150 centses
Hang to appreciate the cent:50 - Leave the problem be over to still have 14 days 23 hours
The new source hotel is to press four star class standards...


Help to translate a words for 150 centses
Hang to appreciate the cent:50 - Leave the problem be over to still have 14 days 23 hours
The new source hotel is to press four star class standards to build of, the tour concerns foreign affairs the business cabaret, the cabaret locates the source of river City popular actor road No.141.We will serve with the superior quality, welcoming the people of different walks of life to come.
Cabaret switchboard:8888888


The new Liyuan hotel build according to the four-star standard is a business hotel concerning foreign affairs of the travel , and it lies in the Hongxing road No. 141 of Heyuan city. We welcome the people from all walks of life with good service .
Telephone NO. : 8888888

The new Liyuan hotel build according to the four-star standard is a business hotel concerning foreign affairs of the travel , and it lies in the Hongxing road No. 141 of Heyuan city. We welcome the people from all walks of life with good service .
Cabaret switchboard:8888888

The new hotel of beautiful source is built according to the four-star standard, the business hotel concerning foreign affairs of the travel , hotels lie in the red star road No. 141 of riverhead city. We will welcome the presence of people from all walks of life with good service . The telephone exchange of hotels : 8888888

The new Liyuan hotel build according to the four-star standard is a business hotel concerning foreign affairs of the travel , and it lies in the Hongxing road No. 141 of Heyuan city. We welcome the people from all walks of life with good service .
Telephone NO. : 8888888

The new 丽 source hotel presses four star class standards to build, the tour concerns foreign affairs the business cabaret, the cabaret locates popular actor road in source of river City the 141th.We will be serve with superior quality, welcoming people of different walks of life to come.
Cabaret switchboard:8888888

英语翻译新丽源大酒店是按四星级标准兴建的,旅游涉外商务酒店,酒店位于河源市红星路141号.我们将以优质服务,欢迎各界人士光临.酒店总机:8888888翻译上面这段话.答50分.好的加150分. 迪拜有七星级大酒店吗? 英语翻译热烈祝贺内蒙古华辰大酒店荣膺四星级酒店是广告. 英语翻译成立于二零一零年一月十九日,于二零一二年 一月开业,是按国际四星级标准兴建的集住宿、餐饮、会议、雪茄红酒吧为一体的商务型精品酒店.酒店特聘请新加坡尼斯酒店管理公司与 星级酒店的划分标准是什么 星级酒店的划分标准是什么 英语翻译三峡工程大酒店为三峡工程酒店集团旗舰店,隶属于长江三峡工程开发总公司,是一家集商务、休闲度假为一身的四星级酒店,位于举世瞩目的三峡工地,濒临西陵峡畔.酒店独特的外观 酒店双人间的标准是什么?四星级的 四星级和五星级酒店的评定标准是什么? 长沙芙蓉国豪庭大酒店英文简介芙蓉国豪廷大酒店是由湖南芙蓉国企业集团投资兴建委托豪生国际酒店集团管理,集客房、餐饮、娱乐、休闲、购物于一体的白金五星级酒店,拥有320间豪华客 迪拜的七星级帆船酒店 用英语翻译 七星级酒店需要有什么样的标准拜托各位大神 请解释一下七星级酒店及其标准? 星级酒店门前的旗杆挂几面国旗 旗台的标准是多长多宽有没有标准啊 长城是谁开始兴建的? 筑波城兴建的原因是什么? 英语翻译我们现在看到的是原北川大酒店.“5.12地震”前,北川大酒店以其浓郁的禹羌民族文化特色享誉羌寨内外,是北川县唯一一个三星级酒店.震后,北川大酒店一、二楼陷入地下,余下六层建 英语翻译我们现在看到的是原北川大酒店.“5.12地震”前,北川大酒店以其浓郁的禹羌民族文化特色享誉羌寨内外,是北川县唯一一个三星级酒店.震后,北川大酒店一、二楼陷入地下,余下六层建